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Hey everyone, I hope you are all having a great weekend!

I wanted to share some exciting news with everyone and ask for a little help! 

Martin's software, RPGTools, which started out as a character generator, and then a map editor, and eventually a full-fledged game-maker is going to be having an official release soon! Huzzah! And although I can't give any details at the moment, it will be a very big and exciting release.

It has been decided that such a wonderful piece of software must come with its own set of assets. It simply cannot launch empty and naked! So naturally I am creating a set of graphics that will be included with the software, and we have the wonderful Joel Steudler creating music and SFX that are bundled with the software as well. Currently we are looking at UI art and other necessary art to be included, too.

The graphics that I am making for the software will, of course, be made available to everyone on Patreon. I will be releasing them here before the end of March (and possibly more after March if I can get a little extra time to do more work). This includes thousands of new tiles, new character pieces, and new monsters.

The tiles included will let you create medieval fantasy villages, wilderness areas, interiors, caverns, and more. It is not a super-duper comprehensive set, but it should allow you to build a great deal of environments for your games. Further, all of the assets are cross-compatible with the Apocalyptic assets I was making (and will resume making soon), including the character pieces.

With lighting effects, shaders, and other awesome tools at your disposal with RPGTools, you can do a lot of really awesome things with the included assets - swaying trees? Check. Moving grass? Check. Animated water? Double check. Dynamic and colored lighting? Check! 

Moving clouds, swirling fog, or whatever else you can think of, you can implement. 

So, with that exciting announcement announced, I would like to ask everyone who is interested to check out RPGTools as it is presently. You can find it in the PVGames Discord here: https://discord.gg/J9aYZPtor in Martin's Discord here: https://discord.gg/bdaassX2

Play with the tools, make some characters, make some maps, set up a small quest, anything at all. Any bugs found, please report them to Martin with as much information as you can include. Any suggestions or requests, please let Martin know. Got an idea for a needed tutorial video? Let him know! 

The more people who can poke around with RPGTools and find any bugs, or have suggestions on how to improve the software, the better!

TL;DR - Tons of new assets coming before March, and plenty more after. RPGTools is aiming for official release soon, please test it out and give feedback to Martin.

Thank you all so much and enjoy the rest of your weekend!


And one last image:




Love it! Suggestion please... is there any way we can also have plus-sized male and female character/sprites? Thanks and looking forward for the updates! More assets! Yey!


Interesting, I’ve been using cutievirus’s MV3D software. Will I be able to make 3D games with RPGtools? If so I might start over with that program since MV is aging.


That won't be for a little bit - it takes a lot of work per body shape, and would require all new clothing to be made as well!


True 3D games, as in 3D environments, characters, etc? No - you'd need something like Unity for that. But RPGTools can use 3D models, so you can do 3D characters on pre-rendered backgrounds like Final Fantasy 7-9.