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The second round of character pieces is now here! This also includes the first of the new weapons, a katana for your post-apocalyptic cutting needs. 

As a note, I updated the first round of character pieces in the initial thread (found here) to fix several reported errors. You can re-downloaded these fixed sprite sheets there.

So far I am happy with how the pieces are coming out. I'll work on getting the female versions up and running very soon as well. All of the animations and such exist but I need to similarly set up the work environment to create all of the female items as I did the male items, and I want to swap a few of the animations for women so that they have a bit of a different walk, different run, some different idles, etc. They will have all of the same types and quantities as the male figures, but this is a pretty easy way to inject additional variety between characters.

Also attached today is the initial version of the Sprite Sheet Info document I mentioned last update. This document lists the order of all of the animations as well as the frame range for each animation, the type of animation it is and how it was meant to be played, etc. If there is any vital information you think should be added, please let me know and I will update it.

This document will also be available in the Rewards Archive pinned thread.

I still need to make the overlay image to give a visual idea as to where each animation is as well. That will be coming in the near future.

Anyway, enjoy and have a great day!




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