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Heya everyone! 

Some already know, some do not - My wife and I purchased a new home a couple months back and have been renovating it ever since (and still continue to do so)!

On top of this, we still do not have internet access at our house. We have been trying to get the internet company to come out and set it up, but we need a cable run from the nearby telephone pole to the house itself and the company keeps sending out the wrong people who can't perform this work. It is frustrating, but we are working on it. I also just completed a rather arduous 20 hour drive up and 20 hour drive back (to Massachusetts from Tennessee and back again) which has consumed the better part of a week to gather the last of my wife and I's belongings.

As such, I have been very slow to respond to questions or welcome new patrons and so forth. I do apologize for this.

If you want to get in touch with me, the quickest and easiest way would be through the PVGames Discord ( https://discord.gg/J9aYZPt ) because I can still check on that on my phone using cell data (right now I am hijacking my wife's work phone's mobile hotspot capability to make this post).

So any questions should be directed there for the time being, and not here via the message option. 

In the meantime, during the renovations, I have begun working on a bunch of new assets that I will upload to the Patreon release queue as soon as humanly possible (which will require having internet, of course), many of which are focused on World War II inspired items (which will fit in well with a Mythos setting, and even in more modern settings). 

I hope all is going well with everyone here! Thank you kindly and have a great rest of your weekend!





Oh man...I've been almost there where you are, but we only renovated our electric systems. Between two power outages I snuck into our home-office to do some coding xD


Ah poo.. Was hoping that perhaps a male Jester was in the works. Your not forgiven till I see the male version!