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For those of you who have not read the past posts about it, I am in the process of renovating a new home and moving, so I have not been as active as I normally would be.

The picture above is the current state of our kitchen. We will be moving into the house this weekend, but a great deal of the house remains gutted so I will be working diligently on that until it is truly livable; but I will be able to make more time for asset creation, too. 

I suspect I will be able to really focus all of my efforts on assets in August after I make one last cross-country trip back to Massachusetts to have the remainder of our belongings shipped to us. 

In the meantime, I am picking away at remastering some of the old backgrounds that came in the much older High Fantasy asset packs of yore.

I envision these being useful for things like backgrounds or backdrops for compositing (having character busts appear in front having a conversation, etc). But really, you will be able to do whatever you want with them. They are just something relatively simple I can do in between bouts of renovations, packing, etc.

Once the big move is all finished and the house is mostly livable, I will finish up whatever backgrounds there are and put them in the release queue.

After that, onward to new assets! I will be shifting focus away from fantasy (but will continue to produce plenty of fantasy assets, of course) and start adding in modern and mythos style assets (of which there are already some, but not many). 

The basic plan is to sort of go chronologically. I have some great World War II inspired assets in mind that I will do first which will segue fairly seamlessly to the "Mythos" assets that spans the 1930's-1950's. This means new character pieces, new tiles, and of course, new monsters. Everybody seems to enjoy the Mythos style of monsters, so I will be remastering the classics and adding some brand new bad boys. Then after that, onward to more modern things. And, of course, the occasional fantasy character set, tile, monster, etc will pop in as well, including peasant/commoner style clothing.

I will be whipping up a pack that will be released for free as well. This pack will be for surpassing the most recent Patreon milestone and will consist of 6-8 "weak" monsters; think starter monsters for most fantasy games, like giant bugs, goblins, slimes, that sort of thing. This will be free for everyone just like the Infernus tilesets, the Apex Predators monsters, and the Christmas Krampus monsters.

So, that is the plan for the immediate future. You will continue to get content released on a regular basis as I was sure to pack the release queue with a bunch of stuff prior to the renovations. The last thing I wanted was for you guys to feel like I was not providing you with assets.

If you have any suggestions or requests pertaining to the starter monster pack, feel free to leave them in the comments here! 

I hope everyone has a great week!





Don't stress out over releases, you are doing great! Get your moving done - love what you are giving us for our pledges <3


As far as "weak" monsters go, it would be nice to see more wild animals. We already have the dire wolf, but why no bears, no lions, wild boars, etc.?