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Hello everyone!

I wanted to send out a general update to everybody so you know, more or less, what will be worked on in the coming months and what sort of content will be produced.

First, I do want to thank everyone for their wonderful and generous support! I love you guys and I love seeing your projects and games. Keep up the great work!

I also want to give a special thank-you to Martin who has been working diligently on the character maker software and level editor. If you have not checked those out, you can grab them over in the PVGames Discord. Martin is amazing. Thank you!

Moving on!

Over the past year+ the bulk of the resources developed here have been Fantastical in nature, with just a small smattering of more modern themes here and there. There does come a point when I am basically just re-making anvils and wooden tables ad-nauseum and need to start moving on to other genres as well. 

So in the coming months I will start gradually focusing on other themes for resources, such as Mythos and Modern style items. I will also continue to keep making Fantasy items as well (and items that transcend themes, such as nature-based tiles) but to a lesser extent. Characters will be a mixture of Fantasy and Mythos/Modern.

Another thing to keep in mind is that there are several month's worth of content already in the release queue for Patreon, so you will continue to see all of these Fantasy and nature tiles released over the next few months as well.

Hiccups and Humble Bundle

Recently I have found myself facing several development hurdles. The first one is a tech one where I found myself in the position of having to completely re-download and re-install and re-categorize ALL of my 3D content, which is no small thing. We're talking literally thousands and thousands of individual pieces, hundreds and hundreds of gigabytes of material. I am still in the process of categorizing everything at the moment and suspect it will take me a few days more to finish.

Another hurdle, though a much more pleasant one, is that I am going to be taking part in an upcoming Humble Bundle which will feature some of the brand new content I have made on Patreon. To prepare for that, I need to take some of the material I have made here and form them into bundles that can be packaged and sold. It's a nice problem to have, but will slow down new content creation a little bit.

One additional time constraint comes in the form of the ol' real life. The missus and I are about to close on a new house and that new house will need remodeling and renovations. This will undoubtedly take me away from the computer for a little bit of time.

But worry not - the whole purpose behind me piling content into the Patreon release queue is exactly for the above situations. You will continue to receive new content undisturbed for the most part until I can create some more (which won't take too long in all honesty). So you all should be largely unaffected by these delays to me.

Reward Tiers Update

For the past two months I have released all content at the lowest tier to help out those who are/were struggling financially and still found themselves with too much time on their hands and wanted to indulge their game-making endeavors. I am very thankful to those who continued to support me during these difficult times, it really means so much to me. Truly, thank you!

I can't extend that benefit any longer, though, unfortunately. It does start making a cumulative negative impact over time for me. Everything that was released over the last two months will remain available at the lowest tiers pretty much forever, but the content being made in June and onward will be released at their appropriate tiers.

I do hope that the folk who did take me up on the offer of resources at the lowest tier did find them useful and enjoyed them! 

Posters or other Merchandise?

Patreon has rolled out a physical rewards program that is pretty intriguing. Content creators can add physical rewards to certain tiers (think mugs, posters, other such things) with custom artwork, logos, or whatever else. I was thinking this might be something that could be cool, and Patreon takes care of the production and shipping and all that.

I did recently order a movie poster-sized picture of Hangry Henry, which looks absolutely gorgeous as a physical item I can hold in my hands. 

This is the Undead Dragon battler with a background added in. I really enjoyed how it came out and wanted to hang it in my office. 

What are your thoughts or opinions on having something like this (a poster of Hangry Henry here, or other such PVGames art - I could make anything really) offered as potential Patreon rewards? Would you have any interest in this? The available items that can be made are: posters, stickers, totes, mugs, t-shirts, and hoodies as far as I can tell. 

Let me know your thoughts.

Thank you everyone and I hope you all have a great weekend! 





Id like a link to the discord. Cant seem to find it


Link to discord is here : https://discord.gg/hghF5ME