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Slight Edit: The Reward Archives have been updated! 

The New Year's Request List

In the beginning of January/end of December I collected a list of things people requested specifically that they would like to have made, and I endeavored to crank out as much as I could over the course of the month.

Almost all of my time was spent on these requests, even though a lot of the month's releases were unrelated, but that is due to the fact that those resources were completed prior and put into the release queue already, so I didn't actually make those this past month, only the requested items.

So here is the updated list:

  • (COMPLETED) Tanktop (with/without gloves) Character Pieces
  • (COMPLETED)  Shotgun or Machinegun Character Pieces
  • Apocalyptic Outfit
  • Polar Bear
  • (I might actually have these for automatic release already, I will need to double check) More trees with snow
  • (This will be an on-going thing, so not going to focus on it specifically) More front-view building items (such as walls)
  • (COMPLETED)  Female Elven Archer Character Pieces
  • Druid Character Pieces
  • Elephant (or something similar)
  • Gambeson Armor
  • Roman/Greek Style Armor + Polearm
  • (Partially completed, more to come) Rats, Chicken, Boars, other low-level creatures
  • New Water 
  • Female Jester Character Pieces
  • (COMPLETED)  Laboratory Equipment (microscopes, flasks, beakers, etc)
  • (Partially completed and in the release queue, more to come for sure though) College/University Building Tiles + Items
  • Female version of the Flesh Pawn
  • (COMPLETED)  Monk Character Pieces
  • Male Boy Character
  • Dolgaunt and Dolgrim monsters

That still leaves a chunk of requests not yet completed, and I am going to keep chipping away at this list as time goes on, and then I will compile another list to chip away at based on new requests! 

New Threshold Met!

For the first time, the end-of-the-month scuttle of patrons has remained above the next goal threshold! In the past couple of months, for whatever reason usually 6-10 Patrons drop off and the goal tracker thingy reverts back to the previous one, but not this month. 

Looking back at the poll I took originally, it looks like the Infernus Tiles (that is to say, demonic hellscape) are the clear winner and will be what I make as a small free pack of resources for everyone as a thank you for all of the amazing support you guys provide. I will begin working on this very soon and the pack will primarily consist of blasted hellscape style tiles. I will gradually make more demonic monsters and twisted villains (and some neato character pieces) that will fit in, but those will not be part of the free set, just the tiles for now.

Honestly, doing the Infernus Tiles suits me just perfectly. As some folk know, I was originally going to make an Infernus resource pack for the Medieval line of resources on RPG Maker, but ultimately scuttled that project due to high level of burnout caused by the old process of creating character pieces (a process that once set in stone you can't do any other way without the pieces becoming inconsistent and incompatible).

In many ways this failure of mine led to the creation of this Patreon and all of these new resources, so in the end that is perhaps my greatest victory, and now I can officially close the book on the failed Infernus chapter by finally completing it here, for you guys.

What's Next?

So my marching orders seem pretty clear to me going forward! I am going to begin working on the Infernus tiles and I am also going to chip away at more of the New Year's requests. There are still a bunch of resources loaded up in the release queue (which at the moment extends forward several months) so you will also continue to see a bunch of automatic releases of content that I have made already.

Once more, thank you all for your great support and I hope your new year has started off on the right foot! I know mine has.

Thank you so much!





Please add a rabbit to the list of critters ;)


Whenever you're accepting new requests, (in case I posted in wrong area (see comment to modern office)), I would like flashlight (8 directions for character to hold) and library tiles in mythos perspective (bookcases, book reshelving carts, card catalog, etc). Thanks for you're great work!!! (btw if there are duplicate posts sorry; my computer keeps freezing)