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This October, by far, has seen the release of the most amount of resources. I mostly wanted to make up for the lackluster previous month due to moving. This also gave me a great opportunity to set up a whole bunch of resources for automatic release which are spread out between now through the middle of February (on top of whatever else I make in the meantime).

October, being the spookiest month of the year, was a prime time for me to make monsters and creature-related material. As such, there was a huge influx of new monsters as well as character pieces fitting the theme (links to everything can be found at the bottom of this post).

For some of the monsters, this is the beginning of a series. For example, the giants I made are just two of a series that will encompass a number of variants. I think it would be pretty awesome to have a full suite of elemental-themed giants along with maybe a couple of more conventional ones.

Similarly, the Uruks will get a full series of variants as well. The Uruks are meant to be larger, burlier versions of the Orcs (which are forthcoming as a base template that you can use to build characters from).

And, of course, so many other monsters will be gradually making their way here to Patreon. For the month of November, though, I also want to focus on something a bit more normal - animals. Dogs, cats, horses, cows, pigs, etc. I want to give them enough animations to be somewhat similar to monsters and can be used in all sorts of ways. I know that people generally ask for regular animals to fill out their towns and such, and for some reason I never really get around to them because I simply enjoy making more fantastical creatures more I suppose, so I am going to force myself to focus a bit this month and really turn out some neat animals!

At any rate, I hope you all had a great Halloween and I truly and deeply appreciate all of your support. Thank you so much for everything!


If you feel you missed some of the resources this month, you can find the complete list of released items here:

Large Statues Pt. 3 

The Valkyrie 

Slate Roof Tiles 

The Hell Warden 

The Hell Warden Hi-Res Image 

Large Statues Pt. 4 


Troll Hi-Res Image 

Uruk Soldier 

Uruk Soldier Hi-Res Image 

The Daemon Knight 

The Weretiger 

The Weretiger Hi-Res Image 

Ground Tiles and Decals 5 

The Witch 

Dead Tree Tiles 

The Air Giant 

The Air Giant Hi-Res Image 

Ground Tiles and Decals 6 

Uruk Crusher 

Uruk Crusher Hi-Res Image 

The Necromancer 

Large Statues Pt. 5 

Giant Spider 

Giant Spider Hi-Res Image 

Flesh Pawn 

Swamp Trees Pt. 1 


Ground Tiles and Decals 7 

Carnivorous Plant 

Carnivorous Plant Hi-Res Image 

Large Statues Pt. 6 

The Experiments 

The Fire Giant 

The Fire Giant Hi-Res Image 

Wrought Iron Bars and Fence Tiles 

Ground Tiles and Decals 8 

Swamp Trees Pt. 2 

Giant Poison Spider 

Giant Poison Spider Hi-Res Image 

Many thanks!





amazing as always, the magician from the post is in this link? https://www.patreon.com/posts/not-so-wicked-30759650


No, the mage in the pic is in this post (for the male version): https://www.patreon.com/posts/gold-chest-pt-3-29186309 and for the female version: https://www.patreon.com/posts/female-mage-28113093