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These two months have been very busy indeed! I moved from Nebraska to Tennessee, got a new pupper, had my workstation broken by the movers, and so much other real life nonsense. Due to the rather large amount of time spent outside of my office, I did not get a chance to really put a review together for the month of August. As such, I am doing a review of both August and September together.

First order of business, the list of posts that contain resources! These two months saw quite a few things released! If you felt that you missed out on some of them, check over this list:

Support Beams 

106 Gems Tiles 

Preconstructed Archtypes 

I did not continue on with these, there was not very much response or enthusiasm to them at present.

105 Ore Tiles 

253 Ingot Tiles 

62 Coin Pile Tiles 

Board and Woodworking Tiles 

Base Skeleton Character/Monster Template and Busts/Paperdolls/Faces 

Skeleton Hi-Res Image 

Skeleton Soldier 

Skeleton Soldier Hi-Res Image 

Roof Template Pieces 

Red Brick Wall and Floor Tileset 

Gray Brick Wall and Floor Tileset 

Mythos Lady Character Pieces 

Skeleton Shambler 

Skeleton Shambler Hi-Res Image 

Large Statues Pt. 1 

Large Statues Pt. 2 

I've updated the monthly rotational pack. For the spookiest month of the year, I chose the Medieval Bosses pack. You can head over and grab it in the usual spot HERE. 

Moving forward, there is still a backlist of things I wanted to get done around the time of my move that hasn't happened yet, which include things like awnings. I'll chip away at those.

I did not get to make very many character pieces around the time of my move and afterwards, so I would like to endeavor to make more of those as well. Currently, as I write this, I am working on a Valkyrie set of character pieces.

One thing I asked about and got positive feedback on is making the occasional "behind the scenes" post which would give a look at how certain resources are made. I would like to make one of those this month if I can.

Another thing I might end up doing, but not until perhaps the new year, is changing the reward structure for Patreon. I think I underestimated the financial strain that some folk are under. As much as they might like to, they can not maintain the level of support that they wish, which also means they do not gain access to the resources that they would like. I am not really in this for the money anymore (my wife is a surgeon, money isn't really a big factor these days), but also want to maintain this work as self-sufficient and independent. As such I will probably be lowering the overall cost of tiers and making most of the stuff available for a lower cost. I doubt anyone would object to that :)

Something I did set up was a series of automatic content releases. I ended up making a bunch of those large statue tiles, so I broke them up into smaller sets to be released automatically over the coming weeks. I am also going to do the same thing with new ground tiles and decals, of which I have around 120+ to release (new grasses, dirts, snow, beaches, even shale and lava and other such terrains). I will package a few up and have one of those packs automatically release each week give or take over the course of a couple of months. This way I don't need to think too hard about the last time I released tiles. I can put a bit more time and focus on character pieces and monsters. I will still throw in additional tiles that are not just ground pieces or statues, though. That is just what I currently have set up at the moment.

I would like to make some more modern and/or mythos resources, so I might roll out some of those in the future. I am not sure what that might be, but probably smaller items to begin with, and perhaps some furniture. 

Oh! Before I forget, if you want the open-source version of my game, The Last Journey, you are welcome to download it. It was made with RPG Maker MV for a game dev jam. It was made in 30 days, and I am pretty proud of it. It might be able to give you some ideas for how to use resources in parallax mapping, damage formulas, or perhaps provide you with a plugin setup that you can use for your own projects. You are welcome to use any of the PVGames graphics that are in there, such as maps, characters, sprites, etc. The only thing that you can NOT use from The Last Journey is the music. I have the licensing and permission to use it for the game, but neither to redistribute it; but I can't really separate the music from the game without spending a lot of time manually removing it so that the game doesn't crash. I am hoping everyone who downloads it understands this and complies with the request.

If you have not jumped in to say hello, ask your questions, or share your work in the PVGames discord, feel free to do so! https://discord.gg/63jBdY 

 Anyways, I do thank you all for your continued support. It continues to mean a lot to me. 

Have a great week!




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