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I wanted to give an update to everyone regarding the state of our move and upcoming resources.

I am happy to say that we have finally received our items from the moving company after about two weeks. Some of our stuff did get damaged in the process, including my work station, which I am having replaced and that should be here tomorrow.

I have not been able to really sit down and make many resources while waiting on our things. I thought I would have had more time, but this town requires new residents to pretty much physically go everywhere to get utilities hooked up, get registered, etc, instead of being able to do most of that online. As such I have spent a great deal of time waiting in lines, filling out paperwork, and dealing with general bureaucracy. The last two days have been filled with actually unpacking everything (where did all this come from?!) and mourning the loss of my desk. 

But I should be able to actually start some work on my real computer tomorrow.

It was pointed out to me recently that the links I use for the Patreon rewards are no longer working, so I will be uploading those in a Patreon post and do away with the links entirely. I didn't do that originally because it did not occur to me to do it that way when I first set this up.

The next monster I make will be a human skeleton base as was requested, but it might be a little bit before I can finish that.

Again, I thank you all for your patience and support! 




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