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I am back in town after being away for the past few days. Thank you everyone for your votes in the poll! Going purely by the numbers, more objects and tiles are the main thing it looks like I should be focusing on, with additional character pieces coming in a close second. Though I know that most of those votes were BEFORE the release of the 256 objects late this past weekend, but I still think more objects would be good.

I would like to say that I do intend to fully work on everything over time that is on that list, so if what you wanted the most didn't get a lot of votes, don't worry, it'll come, too. This poll just kind of helps me orient myself in terms of prioritizing.

So the next bunch of tiles are going to be in a theme that is often asked for - snow! Snow-covered cliffs, trees, rocks, snowy ground tiles and decals. These will fit right in with the current tiles available, and you can freely use the ground decals to create a smooth transition between terrain types. A snow environment is one of those things that I get asked for a lot, and I always want to add but I never really made it a high priority because I wanted to finish something else first. But looking back through my assets over the years, I never really got to really make dedicated snow biomes, only some rather lackluster snow additions to the now ancient high fantasy packs. So, I am bumping snow up my list to be towards the top. I am going to bump up deserts and swamps as well because otherwise those two biomes will suffer the same fate as they have for years.

Since the character pieces are pretty much brand new, there isn't a huge variety of them... YET. In time, this library will swell to great numbers. There have been a few requests for some mythos-era clothing, so I will be sure to mix those into the medieval fantasy clothing. I have noted the specific requests and will fold them into the mix as well. I will be adding some norse/viking specific outfits and resources to go along with the frigid cold snowy tiles.

Since the goal for a monthly boss monster has been surpassed, I will also endeavor in the next week or two to make a suitable cold-based boss monster to go with it.

I hope you all had a great weekend and I look forward to working on these resources!




Wow, thats impressive looking. Ive always avoided snow maps, but Im looking forward to playing with these.


Can't wait!