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So to kick things off, I want to give out two character sets of resources! 

Here you will find resources for the male Berserker and male Battleguard. These character pieces are modular and are freely swappable. You will be able to use them in the Character Builder software that is currently under development, but in the meantime you can mix and match the layers in GIMP or Photoshop or other image editor of your choosing.

It occurred to me that nobody will know what most of the animations are on the various sprite sheets, so I will also make up a comprehensive list of all of the animations included.




The only difference between the Platinum Chest and Diamond Chest is that the Diamond Chest will give a couple of extra goodies, like backgrounds or high-resolution images when they are produced, but nothing major. That tier is more for anyone feeling extra supportive :) The $20 Platinum Chest will definitely get you pretty much everything else for characters (including busts, faces, etc), monsters, tiles and what not. As for the software, I am hoping within the next couple of weeks to have something. It is fairly far along now and my friend is working hard on it!


Note: I screwed up the first time and didn't include the download link - link is now included! Thanks Psychic Toaster for the heads up :)