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I wish I would've made more progress with this WIP since the following loop is already finished but ofc it takes more then just position the camera on the action so we will have to be patient. I didn't want to wait another week in order to post a WIP however.

Moving away from the particular WIP and moving on to a more serious topic, I realized the past months that what I'm doing my brand is not a sustainable business model in the long run.

What I intended with making movies was ultimately to create a "studio", a team of animators that help me out creating films and shorts so I don't have to do everything on my own.
I was more then willing to make the sacrifice and go the extra mile of making a few films by myself because I think this would be the most convincing argument for any artist to join me.

Turns out I was wrong.

Behind the scenes, I tried reaching out to other artists to help me out with Gadabout 2 but any potential cooperation failed due to different standards in either work ethic, animation or how to wrap up payments in order to not get in trouble with financial institutes.

I'm not blaming anyone here and I realize that my standard might be too much to ask for for most people, not necessarily because they wouldn't be able to pump out great animations but because they treat animation more like a hobby while I pour my life into it.
However, if I would accept any of said relations, I would have to compromise the quality of my works.
And I absolutely despise compromising in that regard to the point where I would rather scrap a project entirely.

This means that we will have to endure the production hell that Gadabout 2 is until it is finally completed.
I can't blame anyone else then myself for this decision and I will take responsibility by keeping my promise to complete it.

I won't say how we move on after G2 for now but I will take my time to reconsider how I produce content. I will let you know what my solution is soon enough.

Final thing to say is to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so patient with me! I'm sure it will all pay out once G2 is out :)

Have a nice one!




Idk if it would speed things up at least for this project or if it's just far too long into the process anyway, but why not split this into 2 parts, focus on finishing Tina x wallrider now and then complete the Lisa x dva after?

Frankh of Fethdor

Love the boobs! I may not animate but I'm here to help with sound if you ever need it sir!


I had the exact same idea as I started with G2. The problem is that you have to make sure that every shot makes sense in the context of the entire film and if part1 would be finished, with all the sound and such, I couldn't go back and change any potential mistakes I would only realize once the entire thing is done. Also I think it would kind of undermind the value of the film as a whole


Boob jiggle FTW. Your boob physics are absolute bonkers. Keep it up!

Hernan Castle

I admire your work a lot, they have some details that make me fall in love. Surely Gadabout 2 will be his best movie. It is a pity that he could not form a team of people to help him, even so I wish him the best and that he can continue doing what he likes the most.

Garrus T'Soni

I've loved your work since the first time I saw it, it really stood out as far as animations go that I've seen...will always be here to support and am fully willing to wait any amount of time for animation realeases 🤙 Keep up the absolutely killer work


Too bad the study didn't work out. Working alone you are already amazing, leading a team you would be unstoppable. I congratulate you for having such high goals, I hope that in the future you will achieve them. In relation to this wip, it was the one that surprised me the most, the change in position of Dva's cocks removes any limitation when it comes to fucking Lisa... You never cease to amaze.


Chasing The dragon of perfection is its own cures and reward. your works so far are amazing no doubt. The hardest thing a maker must do is set bounds for there works. Take what time you need to finish gada 2 as you see it finished. For your next project set and keep a max time say 15 min not including credits and make the ending first so you work back from it just a thought