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Hi there,  

the past few weeks, I felt rather low energy which I didn't take that seriously as I should have.
The result is that it got worse this week (surprise..) and I consider this a warning shot to take it more easy for the future, meaning that I will take a day off whenever I feel tired out.
I think I didn't take a single week off since I started animating which is quite insane, especially considering what content I try to pull off in terms of workload... which is by no means anyone elses fault but me.  
Most people wouldn't consider this a smart business move to reveal myself like that but I want to be transparant as I can get with you because I don't like hiding how I feel about things.
I hope you understand.  

Doesn't mean I have nothing to show off though!
My modeler did work on a new skin for a certain someone which will appear in G2 quite soon and I'm really happy with that one.
I'm not going to reveal too much for now but I'm sure you will enjoy all of it.
I also did some rigging and added shape flexes for the next cumshot clip which will also be the closing shot for this segment.
I hope the new prop will really help me out animating the remaining cumshots as well.   

Have a nice weekend :)



Jose D

Can’t rush art man take your time and especially make time for yourself if you need it cheers !


Lisa super armor


Rest well friend


Venom Armor !! so sexy <3


You need to love yourself !! and take care of your health)


Wow , it really turned out pretty good my dude! Also nice to see you did a lot of improvments to the cum prop , looking really promising now! Take the time you need to get some rest , we'll be waiting ;D


Take you time your health is the most important


Your health is more important to us than a weekly wip bro. Take however much time you need to recover. New model looks great too!