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Hi everyone! It’s been a while! I’m once again here back from the dead with more content for you!! There’s a lot to discuss so let’s start!

Why i was absent?

First of all I wanted to apologize to all of you, and give you and explanation: As i said in my last post I got really sick for a whole weekend, and thanks to that all my plans go to waste, my Halloween set which i wanted to release before october ended, the other rewards i was working on couldn't finish on time as well, and even my commissions got affected! I’m really sorry to everyone who was expecting more this past month and didn't get that on time, but it was literally impossible for me to get on the computer and do work like that.

That being said, I was ready to start drawing the next day Monday but as I said, this was all caused thanks to me being too stressed out. For the past months my life has changed a lot and now i have a lot more things to consider specially out there in the real world. Normally I try to stay positive and take it as an opportunity to learn and grow but this time I asked too much of myself. I got sick from doing too much and resting too little and this was an obvious consequence that could happen, so I want to avoid getting like that again as much as i can! That’s why I decided to not come back until today November 10th just so I can have a fresh start and more energy to keep going!

Now that that’s done let's proceed to what you’ve been waiting for: the rewards!!!

Artoria Ruler set

This was a commission I was working on for the past month, the client asked me to draw Artoria Ruler with his OC in multiple images. As you may remember I have a policy to not use OCs on my paysites so I wasn't sure if I wanted to post this work here, so first I asked them if they were ok with me editing the set a bit so that their OC weren't there anymore, and I got a positive answer! now you can have this set of Artoria being breed by this new master in chaldea with some exclusive pics i worked on, hope you like them :D

Halloween set: Raikou Zombie (+ PSD for WD tier)

The spooky pic that couldn't be until now!! Mama Raikou is here to try to scare you with her zombie outfit!! But i think she may cause you something more to arise instead :P

This set also comes with a PSD file for the Warrior Dragon Tier, I’ll make another post later for the exclusive file as well as other perks.

Ilulu special pack

For some reason I got really into drawing Ilulu the past weeks XD a lot of ideas flowing and i wanted to draw at least a few of them, so here’s the result: 2 mini sketch sets of Ilulu using her breasts to tease and pleasure Take-kun, as well as an extra paizuri set in which she tries to see how much compatibility she has with multiple species. I hope you like them and tell me what do you think since these are a bit of an experiment, I don't do a lot of dialogue in my work so i want to know if you like it or not, as well as leaving some of this ideas just as a sketch set so i can work on them faster.

Now speaking of sketches, as I said before the DNFP folder will now be an exclusive reward to the Warrior Dragon tier, so I hope you like it and consider updating your tiers later since im working on more rewards later!!

I think that’s all for me for now, you have a lot to see for now so I hope you can tell me what you think in the comments! and see you next friday!

As always thanks for the continuous support!!










Welcome back and don't worry about it. Life's been hard for a lot of people recently so when there's nothing you can do well there's nothing you can do.