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Blake should wear dresses like this one a lot more often.

Hello. Time for our regular progress report. And the first thing I have to say is that I screwed up. Or rather I got screwed up twice last week. First, I caught cold, and was absolutely miserable for several days (still am, but I'm getting better). And second: new Windows update decided to destroy my computer. In a sneaky way. It basically stops any applications from using more than 50% of CPU power and RAM. Can you imagine what this update does to a gluttonous thing like Daz which needs not 50% but 200% of it? It basically got useless. Thankfully, I was able to delete the updates, and it seems like everything is working fine now. But I was very confused at first. And angry.

Anyway. Despite all those setbacks, I'm still moving forward. However, this demo will be slightly smaller than the previous one. About the normal size, so to say, given how huge the first one was. But it probably won't be longer than just two days, even though I'll find the ways to entertain you. First of all… Yes, you'll be able to have sex with Lucia, and Pepper in this demo. That was quite a gap between those events for both of them, huh? Second: there's some story development going on, but you'll have to keep an eye on everything. Blake might catch Dominique alone in the city, and take her by surprise… Oh, who am I kidding. There's no such thing as «taking Dominique by surprise». Unless her drug somehow doesn't work. Third, Tanya is still in the city, and she's got job for Blake. One last gig together — gotta be special.

So, that's about it for now. The numbers are: 133 pictures done, 34k words written. Not too great, and I'll have to steal some time from May once again, but I'm in the working mood, and I'm feeling inspired. That's all that matters, right? By the way, if you still have something to say about the first demo, feel free! Your feedback is absolutely invaluable. Always.

That's about it. Thank you, and have a nice day!



Wild Bill

I hate windows. And what's really annoying is that right now I'm trying to install it on a spare computer since Daz won't run on anything else, and it's refusing to cooperate. So I'm frustrated by not running windows while knowing that when I get it to work I'll be frustrated by running it. Fun.


I actually cut an entire monologue (from Zoey) about Microsoft, and their shitty practices from the game. Felt like it was a bit on the nose. You know, that lawsuit from 1999, and everything that followed. It's amazing for me that a company so vile, incompetent, and downright antisocial got so big.