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Sorry, just two hair colours this time. Not enough time!

Hello! Welcome to April, and thank you very much for staying with me! Time for our regular progress report. And — as promised — the new demo! It's… colossal. I'm not kidding. It absolutely dwarfs everything I've ever done before. Find it here. As always, there's a patch for the full version, and three compressed ones.

Now, what you're gonna find inside is three days for two completely different places — once again. If your Blake is with Liam, Samuel or Vanessa, he's going to Deliverance. If not, he stays behind… for now. The demo itself is 110k words, and 447 (!!) images. The entire v0.15 was a bit more than 271k words, and 812 images. Yeah. It's huge. There are 26 full sex scenes, and a bunch of smaller ones. Lots of stuff to pick from. But what's really important is that this is the finish line. Blake's story will end in Deliverance. So… take a good look at the stage of the final act.

And, of course, tell me all about the bugs you've been able to find. I'm sure there's at least a couple.

Thank you, and enjoy the game!




i miss red haired Blake!