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What our main route characters wear at home. Soon Blake is going to see them like this more often than not.

So. Here's the thing. I already talked about it in the yesterday poll post, and on Discord, but there's a problem. Or rather there was a problem.

I was making a render yesterday, and it was almost (94%) finished, when my computer just turned off by itself. I was very, very angry about losing that render (it was a good one, trust me. Blake was alone, but he wore stockings and a t-shirt, and had a very suggestive pose. Ugh. Well, at least now I have a challenge: make an even better one). However, I immediately got another reason for distress: my computer didn't start. I pressed the button over and over again, and… nothing. My first reaction was to slit my throat and jump off the tall building. You know, as you do. However, upon further inspection I realised that the computer looks pretty much fine, as it should look. So… what could've happened?

90% of the time it's the power supply. But it took me some time to remember that I do have another computer in my closet, and it has a working unit inside. So, I took it out, shoved into my current PC, and… it worked. It only took me five fucking hours to do what I should've done since the very start. Smart, Yulya, really smart.

But anyway. The computer is fine by now, but not quite. See, this power supply of mine is very weak. It only has 600W, so it's not enough to support the GPU for a long period of time. I can make some sprites, since they don't take too long, but anything above half an hour breaks it. It just reboots. And since I don't have any good units available near my house, I have to wait until they deliver a new one to me. Tomorrow. Until then I'm slowly making new sprites and writing the script. Only first draft though, but I have some good ideas already. 

I also wanted to buy a better GPU, since I have a pause now, but apparently my case is too small to fit anything bigger than my current device. That's fine, I'll just upgrade the whole damn thing once the times comes. So… things aren't the best now, but they could've been far worse. But at least I'll be able to resume my work very soon.

That's pretty much all I wanted to say. I just feel the obligation to keep you updated on that kind of stuff. Have a nice day!




No problem, thaks for news !