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Another Request, This time for the wonderful JS

This threesome decide to add a little extra spice to their play and put a camera down with a nice view to record.

How did we get the video, you ask? Well one of the three should really have checked the camera for bugs that Kasumi uses to spy ;P

(2 different versions because I didnt know which one I wanted to do more :P)





Green-Eyed Monster

Yesssss it's the omni-dildo in action! Have we even seen that before?! Well, it's great regardless, is the point. Yuss! Is there something odd about Mira's boobs, though, or is that just me? They look... flat? I'm not sure. Liara is purrrrfect, though. :3 Also, been a while since I've had time to look *properly* at your art - just given them a quick look-over at release and gone back to whatever I've been busy with - and going over all the stuff I've missed now. And man. I've really missed some things. You go, girl/s!


Hehe yeah, the omni-dildo very rarely makes an appearance to be honest, which is unfortunate, but i will try use it when i can. Miri's Boobs, I think its the pose tbh, they look better in the futa version of the image, but yeah, might look a little off in the Omnitoy render. And Liara is always purrrrfect ^__^ Im glad you can take the time to enjoy the art again :D