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Hi everyone, I hope you are all doing well ^__^

So this is just a little heads-up, and kind of a post to get your opinion too. In the next couple days im planning to change the payment setting on patreon to 'pay up front' for new patrons, This will NOT effect any of you wonderful people who are already my patrons, which is ALL of you, so none of you have to worry about a thing, this is just for anyone new that will join.

The reason I'm doing it (or at least thinking about doing it) is because some not so nice, greedy, unfair, people have been taking advantage of the current system a little bit too much, which effectivly lets them get the pledges for free, by pledging and then deleting their pledge before payment day. Now, Im not exactly doing this for the money, I make this asarimaniac stuff because I love to make it, and I love to share it, so ordinarily I wouldn't really mind people looking at my art for free, but to me in this instance it just seems unfair to all you incredible people that do pledge. Why should they be allowed a free pass to the stuff that you wonderful people have given for.

So yeah, thats just what im thinking at the minute, I wont activate it for the next couple days, I will wait to hear what you all think, but just to reiterate, this wont effect any of, it should just stop the fake pledge spam.

Thanks for your time reading this, and please do leave any thoughts in the comments.



I'd vote for the "pay upfront"


Since the 1st day I found your blog I've been a massive fan your work and came here straight from the blog to start supporting you which in turn lead me to some great works of art a 2 fantastic commssions! I have seen these false pledges taking advantage of other artists and reducing those blogs by devaluing what people pay to support the artist by posting all there art work on free sites which can have the effect of stopping potential patreons from supporting artists and as a result I've seen 2 artists just completely stop and shut down. So I say do it because even from that 1st day I would have paid upfront because I'm a fan. And from a selfish point of view it's nice to have access to some of your art that on one else does. So again I say do it and hopefully we shall get more amazing content as Andromeda hits :~)

Joe Santacroce

I say do it. That's really sad to see people doing that. I'm actually jumping to the 10 dollars zone soon because your work is awesome.

Green-Eyed Monster

Go for it. I can understand people wanting to see your art for free, and if it was all available for free, that would be fine! But as long as you're not made of money, this seems like a very good deal to me for anyone wanting to see the amaze (and if they really can't afford to keep the subscription, they could always cancel after that 1 $, I guess). You should certainly be allowed to at least make it work as intended.


No reason not to. The people who value your work won't be impacted.


Absolutely. Value for money after all.


Thank you so much for the message, and your continued support! Yeah I have heard other artists have had the problem too but i never heard of it driving some people to actually have to shut down, that's horrible, its a shame patreon didn't implement the feature sooner, it had been a problem from very early on to be honest. Thanks again for the message, and I am looking forward to Andromeda too! I hope it will open some new doors for new art ^_^


Thank you for the message, Yeah I do really wish I could just give all my art for free, some day maybe I will be able to, but right now, and recently you have no idea how many times the money from all the wonderful people here has saved my life, and my puppies life even, So the least i can do is make sure that the amazing and kind people here are rewarded fairly for their generosity, thanks for the support :)


Thanks, and yeah, But I still felt like I should give a heads up, just in case :)


Perfectly OK with that

The Grim Reaper

Yes. It'll be better for long term patrons.