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So I was playing through ME3 again recently because it had been far too long and I needed it in my life, which is when I decided that I wanted to put some work from a previous commission into the game to spice it up a little. After putting the first ad in game I thought I might need one more, because there is a real lack acknowledgment for 'This Ones Intimate Apparel' SO I went ahead and made the image you see above ^__^ Then I went ahead and put them in-game! :D

If anyone would like the use them too, I have attached a .mod file to be installed with ME3Explorer, I should warn you though, the Intimate apparel one does pop up a-lot :P

Enjoy! ^__^



Green-Eyed Monster

This is so cool! If I ever play ME on PC again (currently only have it on PS3), I'm going to end up going crazy with all the mods... Also? That hanar looks super evil to me for some reason. xD Not that I have anything against evil, mind you... -cackles-


Hehe thanks! and yeah! PC is where it's at, with all the mods! Yeahh, the hanar does look a little sinister doesn't he, maybe its the constricting the asari in tentacles thing and whispering into the asaris... 'ear'(??) "This one thinks you look better with nothing on" :P Who doesn't like the idea of an evil assertive Hanar? :P


Now I want to do another run through of ME3! Have you ever considered doing a mod for Fallout 4? Maybe putting some of your art working onto pictures so they can be used in the settlements?


You should! its well worth the time :D I have done some fallout 4 modding but I hadn't thought about that, i usually like to keep my mods lore friendly hehe. But will see, maybe in the future :)