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Hey evceryone, 2020 wasn't not so good to us and we had lots of bad things happening with us, we thought maybe this will be over in 21 but this year have started even worse than before...One of our grandparents died because of covid couple days ago, so we need a small break from posting arts. It's.. .just so hard right now... 

Some of you will ask why we are texting about it here, since we are nsfw account with 3d arts? We do that because some people in this account was with us since we started making arts in Tumblr and they are like family and they are dear friends, so sharing news with them and you seems right to me, especially if they are affecting our life and ability to make and post arts... Anyway... We will returnb in 1 week or so and everything will be as before, just we need some time to recover. Hope you are all staying safe up there, that covi shit is real... it takes dear people from life, so be careful. 



Very sorry to hear that sad news. And can completely understand the need to take some personal time. I hope that things improve for you soon.


Take care of yourselves first! I'm sorry for your loss💗


You have my deepest sympathy. I wish you to make peace with your loss and find joy in things that matter in your lives.


As one of those ‘long-timers’ my heart does ache for you, especially after your last year. 🥺. Take heart, hug each other a lot, and we’ll be here. 😌


Following you since tumblr ; hope you'll take time to take care of you. I know there is not a lot of things I could say that could make you feel better, but you have my sympathies.


Im sorry for your loss, My condolences to everybody. Take care and stay safe, take all the time you need. We love you. <3


I'm sorry for your loss. Take the time you need, this has been quite a garbage year for many of us. Hug each other and keep your heads above the water.


We can't say much too but we are apreciate your good thoughts about us, thank you!


Соболезную. Печально слышать такие новости от любого. Крепитесь.


Take all the time you need, I know words don't help much, but I'm sending my love!

Jasius 79

Take as much time as needed, Sorry for your loss, I lost my grandmother this time last year right before my birthday so yeah it's hard. I know a lot of people understand we are here for you. Stay Safe. Prayers and Love for you and your family.


Thank you very much for your kind words. It's very sad that you lost your grandma last year , it's terrible loss. Hope you doing a bit better since then, I know it's hard to just live after that. Our prayers are with you too and thanks again