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Hey everyone! Happy N7 Day to all of you! We know 2020 was hard for all of us but there is a still hope for things become better! And weI really wish that it starts from ME remaster this year! \ o / ME trilogy was an important story for us being teens\young adults and growing up in this world. It tought us to many good things! Loving aliens for example ) Saving Galaxies! Being a good friend! it was something that helped lots of us find our paths in lives, meet people we love and cherish. So let's celebrate that day in this tough year again! As hard as we can! Order some tasty snacks and lets watch N7 stream today and CELEBRATE! HAPPY N7 DAY! We love you all and i know we can save the world once again after we did saved Galaxy so many time in ME Universe!!!! 

And here is a small rar with all our posters in printable sizes, i know they are available in patreon via tag #poster but still you can just grab them once again. P.S. sorry, it was really hard month for me and i didn't manage to render something new. 




Happy N7 :)


Yay... remaster of the trilogy and a new game in the works o7 to all N7's out there