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After Shepard and Liara get a little too frisky together while working out in Vega's 'Gym', Samara and Edi take it upon themselves to punish them for their recent  insatiable attitude.



Leonard Schmidt

I guess there are ups and downs to having a Justicar on board. On one hand she spoils the public fraternization. On the other, this.

Green-Eyed Monster

Okay, I have to ask - whose idea was it to bring stockades onto the ship?!


the real question is, who doesn't have stockades on their ship? how else do you punish a subordinate? hehe honestly though, it is anyone's guess :P

Green-Eyed Monster

Well... in the olden days they'd tie you to the mast... which, yes, the Normandy doesn't have one. Keelhauling is probably also a bad idea. I guess it's a good thing to have if they ever want to start doing piracy! I always thought Shep would look good in a captain's hat and coat (no need for the rest of the outfit, though). And yes, absolutely - this purpose is nice too. Very, very nice. :3


Maybe the Normady could get some kind of pole to act as a mast for the next time :P Also O_____O that's a wonderful idea, I might need to play around with that idea, of Shepard in only a captain Hat and Jacket!

Green-Eyed Monster

Eheheheh, I might've been hoping you'd say that... -cackles- (Seriously though, please, please do. I'll be so happy.)