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Hey our favorite patrons we brought you art and the information that we Opening Comissions. 

ART - Let's start with something that brings more pleasure - Art. This is one of our art we made while making commissions with Impossible Romances, wqe didn't post it anywhere,  so...ENJOY! 

COMMISSIONS - Some of you already knows about it but we didn't tell why we doing it, so here is an explanation. We have more problems atm. 

As you know Asarimaniac its a team of 2 people and recently we had to move around alot, leave our country, and city, you have probably read about it already from our other posts. So before our last move we decided that instead of carrying heavy Computer towers and monitors everywhere, we decided to go a more portable option and sold our PCs to buy decent laptops. Well, Long story short, one (of 2) of our laptops, the more frequently used for renders, died on us, funnily enough, it wasnt the CPU that is under 100% load most of the time, it was the graphics cards problem. So anyway, the unreliability of laptops and their pain in the butt customizability/fixability has made us decide to go back to PC. Fortunetly a couple of friends have already helped us out in the way they could, someone helped with money, someone sent us their old PC parts: Mobo/CPU/RAM, so we dont need to start from scratch and will save some time/money. That's why now we are opening up for commissions to fund the last remaining parts, time is pretty critical with this, considering we make our livelyhood working on PCs, through patreon, commissions, and freelance work.

We will do it in waves with 5 slots, first wave has 3 taken slots, thanks to our patreon followers, so for that wave we can afford you 2 slots. Also want to say that we will try do it asap and with samequality despite that we have a half of our PC power, but it might take some extra time. If we could complete our PC faster we would deal with all your comissions faster, but anyway if if you are interested in commissioning us for any art, please do send me a message! You can find more information about pricing HERE 

We make a same post in tumblr, so if you use it more you wil lsee info there. Thank you for attention and if you have any questions please send me a messsage.  
