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Heeeey! It's us. Sorry, we was promising to make some changes in patreon to this day, but we not ready yet, i think it will be done on next week, but i'm not sure, this time no promises. We try to make it as soon as possible. Need to finish some things for it so... in excuse we are sharing something we made for ourselves! Our favorite crossover - BORDERLANDS + MASS EFFECT. Since we made it for e3 we can't stop thinking about making more arts, so here one for you too. Enjoy. \ o / *staring on art*



James Moore

Take your time- we’ll be here

James Moore

Oh dude- take care of yourself first and foremost. There’s no deadline here, we love your stuff and want to support you. Get well soon


No worries, asari. Take your time, and great pic ^-^/


And sometimes it is good to step back: fresh and crazy creative ideas like the best borderlands crossover!