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Just a quick little something for St Patrick's, Have a good one!



Green-Eyed Monster

Okay, these are officially my favourite asari, especially the one in the middle. I know y'all love your Liara, but look at that purrrfect shade of green! *drools*I can just imagine her entangled with some nice, deep purple... like Aria... oh yessss. Oh, I'm sorry, did I dribble in your drink? I guess I must've been daydreaming. But yes, thank you, I would love a glass. Cheers, gorgeous.


Hehe Thanks! and I love all Asari, I am an asarimaniac after all :P just Liara holds and extra special place. But yeahhh, the green one in the middle is my favorite too, such a nice colour! ;D

Leonard Schmidt

All three of them in perfect unison: "here, have a taste, we promise it won't mind control you!"