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Sorry it has been a little while since the last update, it has been a busy month, it started with a holiday, one asarimaniac meeting another, and then a shift change at work which sees me working 6 days a week and 12 hours a day, its all been busy and exhausting, but during my first couple days off in a long time I have some 'art' for you! 

As I said before, I do like stuff in the showers and in the bath, so here is some more fun Kira and Liara are having at the expense of my wishful sanity! mmmmmmm, now i need to go lay down and other stuff...




<3 <3 <3

Green-Eyed Monster

Pretty much what Leonard Schmidt said. :3 Though, addendum: Asarimaniacs meeting sounds like loads of fun! I hope it was! :D