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Every month Battle Yak Miniatures will release a new Battle Pack, featuring 3D printable miniature files! The June Battle Pack is the Talun Protectorate, enlightened beings devoted to uniting the entire universe under their benevolent protection!

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Enjoy this gallery of Talun Protectorate miniatures and a glimpse into the lore behind the faction!


The talun race is superior to all others, as an emerald is to clod of dirt. For only we bear the illumination of the Aurai, the higher beings who dwell above all. So what grace do we owe those lesser races? All we can offer. Because to be superior is not to be cruel. We show mercy to those lesser than us, and draw them under our aegis, because they are inferior. We show them grace and shelter them, guide them, teach them, because we are superior. We seek to perfect all things, because perfection of all things is within the grasp of the talun alone.

-Vow of the Illuminated

Chosen by a higher power, the talun come to spread wonder and glory. With advanced technology, astonishing sorcery, and unshakeable faith, their crusade spreads unchecked across the stars. They offer peace, protection, and enlightenment to all the peoples of the universe. Most precious of all, they offer the one true path that all life is meant to follow - the path of unity under the reign of cosmic light, a path of freedom from chaos and uncertainty and all false ways of being. The talun must show all other beings this truth.

It is their duty. It is their blessing. It is their joy.

The Talun Protectorate is an interstellar civilization ensconsing innumerable worlds, all under the benevolent reign of the talun race. As emissaries of a higher power, the talun have been chosen to spread their way of life to all other beings, guiding them in the proper way of things and determining their role in furthering the ultimate goal of the Protectorate - to bring all species under their guidance and protection.

Through diplomacy and proselytization, the talun spread their creed of cosmic unity across the stars. Sadly, not all species are wise enough to recognize the divine superiority of the talun way, and when softer methods fail the talun must necessarily take a firm hand. The innocent souls of less-enlightened races cannot be left to languish in spiritual bondage through their false ways of life, or by the whim of blinkered leaders. The few who must unfortunately suffer in the bringing of enlightenment are a tragic but necessary price to pay for the spiritual liberation of the untold generations that will be born into the light.

When liberation through battle is called for, the Vindicators are the talun who answer the call. Each is like a living demigod, clad in a bright metal combat carapace thrumming with energy. Paragons of the battlefield, the presence of a Vindicator sparks revelation in those who would stand against them - they face the light and the truth, and in the face of these things their cause is all but hopeless. The arcane technology of the talun allows them to channel an enigmatic energy, called the Lucent Blessing by the talun. This mysterious power defies quantification, baffling the greatest scientific minds of numberless races. Lucent energy is seemingly inexhaustible, and is projected into solid light forms by the weaponry of the talun, a bright and shining blade that will cut away all lies and darkness, leaving only truth.

As mighty as the talun are, they are ultimately still mortal. Should an esteemed talun warriors fall in battle however, their service to the Protectorate need not come to an end. The magic of the talun and their mastery of lucent energy allows them to preserve the essence of the dead in the light, instilling them into specially prepared techno-magical vessels. Called the Illuminated, these talun departed can persist in such vessels for eons, continuing to provide insight and perspective to their living fellows. And when the need calls for it, the Illuminated can return to the field of battle to wage war again.

Specially prepared combat carapaces known as Exaframes are used to house the disembodied Illuminated for their return to battle. Towering giants of elegant metal, Exaframes are powered by lucent energy reactors of tremendous potency, enabling them to employ truly fearsome weapons in battle. A small squad of Exaframes carries the combined firepower of an entire army, operating in any hostile environment imaginable, even the vaccuum of space, where their suit's systems enable them to fly at speeds that would pulp the bodies of flesh and blood beings. No enemy can escape the truth of the Protectorate with the Exaframes as its sacred blade.

The true nature of lucent energy remains a mystery to all but the talun themselves, and even they have only begun to grasp at the fullness of its glory. Lightbringers are rare individuals blessed with a deeper connection to the source of lucent energy than others, turning them into shining beacons of purity to the talun races. Those enveloped in their light experience sensations of vast mercy and overwhelming love, as hope and truth are instilled into their very core. Before the Lightbringers, the enemy falls to their knees and weeps, overcome with the truth that the talun offer. Only the blackest and loneliest of souls can resist what the Lightbringers offer.

Eons ago, the talun civilization had attained it's utmost zenith on their own homeworld. Their technology had granted them unprecedented peace and plenty, but though their existence was without higher purpose - they had all that was needed to maintain long and healthy lives, but no reason to live. The gods of their ancient past had withered and vanished in the face of secular learning and advancement, and the study of the stars yielded no greater truth beyond cold indifferent scientific fact. The spiritually impoverished talun cried out into the darkness for a meaning greater than one they could make for themselves.

Their call was answered by the Aurai.

The Aurai are beings of unfathomable light. Cosmic entities existing on a higher dimension than the mortal universe, they descended into the mortal sphere and appeared before the talun. The shifting forms of the Aurai, never distinct but full of impossible geometries and many-angled beauty, filled the spirits of the talun with never-before experienced sensations of wonder and glory. They were given to know that they were heralds of an essential truth, stronger than any other in the material realm. They were one spark among countless others, and it was in their power by the blessing of the Aurai to shine even brighter, to subsume all others within their light, and bring the universe into a true and unified state of being, to free all other races from their distracted, blunted lives of ignorant and meaningless pursuits. 

By the power of the Aurai, the talun were granted the Lucent Blessing, a connection to the Aurai and the marvelous cosmic light at their command. With this blessing, the talun civilization was transformed, elevating it far beyond the form they had previously believed to be their fullest potential. They shed their old ways and emerged into a new dawn as the Protectorate, devoted to spreading the light of the Aurai across the stars. False gods and false principles would be stripped away, and cosmic peace and unity would render the universe in lasting perfection, where all would dwell in wonder and glory forever.

The Talun Protectorate have come to usher in a new age of radiant perfection.

"Be not afraid."


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