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Every month Battle Yak Miniatures will release a new Battle Pack, featuring 3D printable miniature files! The May Battle Pack is the Sentinels of Primus III release, superhuman warriors that wield divine fury against the forces of doom!

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Enjoy this gallery of Sentinels of Primus III miniatures and a glimpse into the lore behind the faction!


The Nezarhim brought Primus to their most sacred mountain, a spire of frost-crowned stone under a dark, starless sky. The elder giant sat at the mountain's peak, and on a slab of ice he lay two relics before Primus. One, a crown that burned with the white hot fire that is the secret heart of all things. The other, a blade stained with the cold black blood of the dreams that live without life, outside of all things.

And the giant said "One of these is the architect of worlds. The other is ruin, forever consuming but never sated. One is the sun that would shine on an empire eternal. The other is the night, a darkness made of hungry maws. One is real. The other is a dream. One is serenity. The other is desire. Which will you take?"

Primus sat and contemplated the crown and the blade, thinking deeply on the giant's words. At the end he spoke, and the giants knew that he was the one they had awaited, the one who would either save their world, or usher in its final end. He spoke a single word.


Harnessing the forbidden secrets of the cosmos, the God-King Primus infused power beyond mortal imagining into men and women chosen by him to act as his army, his sword and shield against the dangers that threaten to devour the world and all its people. They are an army like no other. Watchmen of order, guardians against doom. They are the Sentinels of Primus.

For centuries, mankind suffered the predation of the Doom Dimensions, an otherworldy realm filled with monsters that consume entire worlds. When the hordes of doom threatened extinction and damnation, the Sentinels were the means by which the God-King pulled humanity back from the brink. Drawn from the many cities and tribes of humanity, mortal warriors are trained in combat, tactics, science, and sorcery. Finally, through the use of arcane machinery and ritual invocations, they are infused with the cosmic energy of the God-King Himself, transforming them into superhuman warriors. Thus they begin a new existence as a Sentinel of Primus.

Veteran Sentinel warriors who have proven themselves worthy in battle with feats of valor beyond all others may eventually be blessed with the rank of Sentinel-Paladin. These super-elite warriors becoming the smashing hammer of the Sentinels of Primus, sent to break the mightiest enemy formations and slay the most terrible manifestations of the Doom Dimensions.

Clad in ultra-durable Nerazhim-forged warplate, Sentinel-Paladins are like walking fortresses, striding fowards unstoppably across the battlefield, shrugging off the most brutal assaults and withering sorceries of the enemies. With either devastating arc-plasma ranged weapons or thrice-blessed close-combat weapons, Sentinel-Paladins are trained to deal death to the enemy in any number of fashions most brutal and final.

The Sentinels of Primus are humanity's greatest champions and the God-King's chosen servants, but they do not battle the forces of doom alone. It is not only mankind who dwells upon their world, or decides its destiny. The Nerazhim, the great ancient giant-race, have lived in the remote and hidden corners of the world long before the human race was carved from the rock of creation. It is these mighty and venerable beings who first taught the ways of the cosmos to Primus, and led him to his destiny of becoming humanity's God-King.

Though monstrous in appearance, the Nerazhim are benevolent and peaceful in nature, and few of them are compelled to take to the field of battle even now. But when a Nerazhim is roused to go to battle, taking up the mantle of a War-Gygas, they are destruction incarnate - towering monuments to fury that crash into the enemy like living weapons. Unleashing a primal fury not seen since the earliest ages of the world, a War-Gygas can match even the most powerful manifestations of the Doom Dimensions.

When humanity faced extinction from the hordes of doom, Primus, then but a mortal, sought out the hidden places of the Nerazhim, following ancient legends that spoke of the giants and the powers they possessed. Overcoming trials that would have broken a lesser being many times over, Primus found the hidden retreat of the Nerazhim, concealed in folded space removed from the realm of the ordinary. There, Primus petitioned the Nerazhim elders to agree to an alliance between human and giant, one that might serve to turn back the tides of doom and spare their shared world from annihilation.

The Nerazhim are benevolent and peaceful by nature, and had suffered greatly at the predations of the Doom Dimensions. Once, in ancient times, they had turned back the hordes of doom, long before humanity had risen. But the great enemy always learned and adapted and grew stronger, and for all their power the unchanging giants and their slow, dimly-burning spirits were outmatched in this new era. In Primus they saw a means to save themselves and all others, if cunning and adaptible humanity could learn to wield the awesome forces they commanded.

The Nerazhim taught Primus to draw upon the fundamental elements of the cosmos, the two opposing forces that sculpted all realities - Vril and Void. Vril is the essence of creation, a blazing secret fire that existed in all things, giving all matter and energies distinct form, nature, and soul. Void is the opposing power, the substance of possibility, the chaotic dream of existence unrealized. In the last of his many lessons, Primus donned a crown infused with Vril and took up a Nerazhim-forged blade infused with Void, harnessing both forces to his will.

The power of the Vril Primus used to forge his Sentinels and fuel their weapons and technology, while the far more volatile and dangerous power of the Void remains bound to his blade, to be released in only the direst circumstance. With it harnessed to his will, Primus might carve reality itself into a new form guided by his vision, turning back the Doom Dimensions forever. But the raising of the God-King was in truth a dangerous gambit. The Nerazhim have forseen that if the full power of cosmic darkness were to be unleashed, it would devour them and their enemies both, and their entire reality would follow. Darkness would consume them all... until a new reality was born. The tyrant wheel of reality and possibility grinding the old into the new...

The Sentinels of Primus remain on guard, preserving the world. For as long as they can. May the will of the God-King hold against doom... eternal.


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