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Hey all! The Eldarch Starweavers Battle Pack is available this month - go check it out! Also be sure to check out the Battle Yak Miniatures online store for the latest sales and current releases!

The Battle Pack for April is well into development, and features the Goldthrone Trollkin, an ancient and mysterious warrior-nation that wields primal power in battle!

The Thronesworn are trollkin warriors pledged to the monarch of their race, he who sits upon the sacred Throne of Gold and bears the blessings of the eternal spirits.

With weapons and armor wrought of mystical gold, the Thronesworn borrow a fraction of their king's power, and the normally soft metal turns away the strongest enemy attacks while carving through the foe with terrifying ease.

Thronesworn Trollkin will come in a variety of sculpts, with a huge array of customization options, including modular heads, helmed versions, and weapons, only a fraction of which are shown here!

Keep an eye out for more Goldthrone Trollkin updates coming soon!


Drop by the Official Battle Yak Discord to see the latest news and sales and chat with the community about what  kinds of projects you'd like to see next! You can also follow Battle  Yak Miniatures on twitter, facebook, and instagram.

And check out the Battle Yak Miniatures online store for the latest sale! Get a discount on all featured miniatures while the sale lasts!



Terje Erwing Bjelkholm

Good job as always, though I have to admit I was never a fan of the Warcraft style of trolls.


Oh wow. So much wow! I will surely find a use for these as warriors, but I can already see so much potential for Blood Bowl! Like, seriously!