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Every month Battle Yak Miniatures will release a new Battle Pack, featuring 3D printable miniature files! The March Battle Pack is the Eldarch Starweavers, cosmic guardians wielding mystical technology to master reality itself!

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Enjoy this gallery of Eldarch Starweavers miniatures and a glimpse into the lore behind the faction!


"The Weave is a kingdom for eminence and a pitfall for the vacuous. Maintain the purity of the sacred strands, with the blade that cuts from many-angles. The spider need make no peace with the fly."

-Sixth Strand of the Fatespinners' Wisdom

In the beginning, there was nothing. Which exploded.

For in the absence of actuality, there must necessarily be potentiality.

The sheer weight of possibility spun itself into being, becoming the Weave, the endlessly complex and self-creating tapestry of the cosmos. Below the atomic scale, at the edge of perception, the cosmic strings of the Weave form the underlying structure of everything - time, space, matter, energy, and parallel dimensions.

The Eldarch Starweavers are the masters and guardians of the Weave, perceiving its infinite threads and cosmic grandeur. With it's power, they lord over time and space and all realities. Any who would oppose their reign shall be cut away from the Weave, their existence unraveled and cast away into oblivion.

The eldarch have built their civilization across countless realities, expanding through time and space along the strands of the Weave. Immortal, ageless, uncontested in over a billion years, they reign as a supreme species, having blended science and magic together into a seamless art. Few enemies dare challenge them at this pinnacle of development, and those who do face the might of a race that can wage war on a scale that can truly claim to be cosmic.

The Strand Guardians are the Starweavers foremost warriors. The armor they are clad in is made of an omni-reactive substance woven from the cosmic fabric of the Weave, and enables the eldarch warriors to perceive and operate in multiple timelines and alternate realities simultaneously. The armor continuously shifts the occupant into different timestreams, equipping them with the best incarnation of themselves to achieve victory. Only the eldarch's innate cosmic awareness allows them to fight in this manner - a lesser species would be driven to madness confronted with infinite possibilities.

Trained not just to perceive the Weave but to manipulate its very essence, the Fatespinners utilize advanced magi-technology to spin new realities into existence. Futures where the eldarch suffer defeat are unraveled and re-threaded through their Fatelooms, re-spun into new parallels beneficial to their goals and seamlessly woven back into reality. Wars are unfought, histories are unwritten. Enemy species that dared to challenge eldarch supremacy fail to evolve at all, the threads of their fate cut by the talons of the Fatespinners.

Some eldarch are so devoted to maintaining the supremacy of their kind that they are willing to set aside the promise of an eternal existence and embrace cosmic power, ascending to become an even higher order of being, at the cost of eventually losing their individual selves and becoming one with the Weave, subsumed into its fabric forever. In accordance with ancient practices, two such eldarch are chosen to undergo the ascension together, each one binding the other to their intended path, lest they lose themselves too soon to their own power.

Such pairs become known as Binary Systems, true Starweavers that manipulate cosmic forces to shape the stars themselves. Scale no longer hampers them, and supernova dance at their fingertips while stars are born and die within their void-sculpted forms.

The eldarch race learned to perceive the strands of the Weave when their universe was still ablaze with the energies of its formation. They had ruled their birthworld harshly in their youth, their incautious industry devouring their ecosystem and bringing them to the edge of extinction. They were pulled back from the brink by the first eldarch to touch the Weave and learn how to spin its cosmic energies into magic. With this power they healed their world, and blended it with their technology to attain harmony with life.

Along the strands of the Weave they sailed wondrous ships, spreading to a thousand worlds where they fostered life in endless varieties. Growth and the preservation of life became their reason for being. They were worshipped as gods by primitive races, some which had arisen from worlds where eldarch terraformation had made life possible at all. Amidst the threads of the Weave they discovered the anansids, the star spiders who maintained the infinite threads against damage and intrusion, and learned to walk amongst them without provocation. Developing a symbiotic union with the creatures, using them to open portals along the strands of the Weave that sped the growth of their expansion, the eldarch adopted the name Starweavers in homage to the miraculous creatures.

The eldarch came to regard the Weave with sacred and solemn reverence, the source of all their power and flourishing and also something precious and valuable that had to be protected. They were the first species to discover and master the power it offered, and so they would forever be pre-eminent among all living beings, the supreme race. Any who might seek to follow in their footsteps could only fail to appreciate and understand the Weave as they did, would only abuse and misuse its power, and so none but the eldarch would be tolerated to walk its strands.

Species who followed the path of the eldarch's evolution were tolerated, provided they remained in their own native universes, realities, and timelines. Only the eldarch would be permitted to expand beyond a singule continuum. Any race who advanced enough to perceive the Weave and experiment with manipulating its essence suffered the eldarch's wrath. Entire universes have been carefully cut off from the Weave and left to wither in the outer darkness for the trespass of those who would dare to challenge eldarch supremacy, knowingly or not.

Those who wander into the strands of the Weave will, like a fly in a spider's web, draw the attention of the Starweavers, and have just as little hope for survival.


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Kyle Bentley

The minis from this month are awesome enough to bring me back, and the lore is top-notch. Any chance we'll get another set of Starweavers soon with rifles and special weapons?


Buzz has been pretty positive with this set, so a second wave release might come sooner than I intended. It would definitely include units with dedicated ranged wweapons.

Kyle Bentley

Excited to hear it. Rifles, heavy/special weapons, and some backpacks with wings/thrusters would provide a ton of options. Some more heavily armoured Starweavers and some spider-drones with weapons would fill out the range nicely.