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Happy New Year's Eve everyone! As we bid goodbye and good riddance to 2022, and look forwards to a new year with new possibilities, let's pause to reflect on all that has been accomplished at Battle Yak Miniatures this past year, such as stuff like:

Heavy metal orcs!

More bug elves!

Zen cows!


More mutant elves!

Scuba mutants!

More dragons!

Dark-powered knights!

Tree people!

More scarecrows!

Hob-gobbo goons!

More rat people!


Whew~! Another incredible year of sculpting minis is behind me now. Let me again express how thankful I am for all the supporters who have contributed to Battle Yak Miniatures and supported my creative endeavors this past year. Without you, none of this would be possible.

I have a lot of exciting new releases planned for next year, including some expansions to previous releases as well as brand new factions in the ever-growing world of Battle Yak Miniatures. I hope you'll stick around to see what they'll be! (spoiler: one's gonna be centaurs!) And I also have a couple of side projects that will, fate willing, be seeing the light of day as well...!

Here's to 2023!




Great year! Looking forward to the expansion of existing releases 😁

Mini Manatee

Amazing releases - had to pick top 3 as I couldnt pick my favorite - Runehorn Stampede/Ironskarn Warhorde/Drakkisan Wyrmspawn II - with an honorable mention to Strongroot Evergrove XD Thank you for all your hard work this year, and happy new year!!