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Hey everyone! The Battle Pack for the month of August, the Zurvan Imperium, is available now to patrons and last month's releases are live on the online store! Always check out the store for the latest sales on Battle Yak Miniatures!

Development of the next Battle Pack, the Strongroot Evergrove, is going well and will be available in early September! Guardians of nature that take the form of mobile tree-people, the Evergroves will offer patrons the chance to present classic fantasy creatures such as dryads and treants on the tabletop in the Battle Yak Miniatures style.

Attuned to the balance of nature and summoned to protect the world's ecosystem when it is imperiled, the Strongroot emerge from forests all across the world in sprawling armies as numerous as the forests themselves. When the Groveguard are on the march, it is often the case that you cannot see the forest for the treemen, nyuk nyuk.

Other creatures that make up the armies of the Evergrove are the towering Boughbreakers and the alluring Glade-Nymphs.

The Strongroot, like all Battle Yak Miniatures sets, will feature multiple character sculpts and customization options, including a variety of modular heads and an asenal of weapons.

A towering Treant Protector multi-piece figure is also being developed as part of the Strongroot line, with the intent to make it a highly poseable figure with plenty of its own customization options.

The Strongroot Evergrove release will be available in early September! Check future previews to watch the set grow.


Drop by the Official Battle Yak Discord to see the latest news and sales and chat with the community about what  kinds of projects you'd like to see next! You can also follow Battle  Yak Miniatures on twitter, facebook, and instagram.

And check out the Battle Yak Miniatures online store this month for the MyMiniFactory Summer Sale! Everything from Battle Yak Miniatures is on sale with the discount code SUMMERYAK!




Gotta be careful with all these trees hiding the forest !

Mini Manatee

ooo the treant protector sounds awesome, and if its as modular as you suggest, that could also allow for some massive upscaling XD

Mini Manatee

considering your recent releases, I'm curious what you consider ambitious! XD


That does remind me of a Patreon where his loyalty program was to make extra bits for a modular mech every month.