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Result: A tie?! What's up with that? Welp, guess I'll have to think about which set will be made first for a bit longer. I'm taking a trip for a few days, so I'll work something out when I get back!


Hello Battle Yak Warriors! The release for the month of July, the Drakkisan Wyrmspawn II: Hoard of Horrors, is currently available and production has begun on the set for this coming August, the foreboding Zurvan Imperium, an army of unliving golem-warrior constructs animated by an engimatic power! Keep an eye out for previews this month as the set is  developed!

This poll will determine what Battle Packs will be featured once the current set has been released, so I can start thinking about them now!

Polls typically involve three choices for three months in advance, but for the upcoming October release I have already chosen a dedicated theme for, so this poll will feature only two choices, for the months of September and November.

Both themes on the poll will be developed, voting will simply determine the order of release! Each option will have a short description and some concept art, included below.

Pick the option you want to see soonest! The winner will be the theme for the September Battle Pack, while second place will appear for the November release! The October release theme will be revealed a little later! Feel free to share your thoughts, suggestions, and questions in the comments or on the Official Battle Yak Discord!


Poll Options

Dreghood Shadowguild

Theme Elements: Hobgoblin Criminals & Gangsters, Thieves, Highwaymen, Leg-Breakers, Low-Class Assassins, Organized Crime Muscle, Gutter-Alchemy and Grey Magic

When you want a crime done quickly, quietly, and professionally, with no witnesses and no questions asked, you go to the best. When you can't afford the best, you settle for the Dreghood. Lurking on the outskirts of polite criminal society, the dreggum embrace crime as a way of life. Intimidation, extortion, larceny, murder... no deed is too dirty to be done, and their prices are dirt cheap. Of course, you get what you pay for, and if you aren't completely satisfied with their service you'll get no money back and they'll probably take any extra you happen to have on you because what are you gonna do, complain to the law? Now make yourself scarce before you lose more than just your money... 

Figures: Dreggum Goon, Biggrug Bruiser, Grimeshade Inhumer
Bonus Figures: Dreggal 'Entertainment'

Theme Elements: Treefolk, Guardians of Nature, Bark Armor and Green Leaves, Tree-shaped Weaponry, Mother Nature is mad as hell as isn't going to take it anymore

As civilizations grow, industry advances, and mortals continue to distort the natural way of things with world-shaping sorcery and technology, the natural way has begun to fight back. Manifesting from the sprawling wildernesses of the world are the Evergroves, armies of living, moving plants that fight with the indefatigable fervor of life itself. The Strongroot Evergrove are a robust and patient breed, weathering the onslaught of the enemy like a willow in a gale, before towering treefolk slowly and deliberately pull them apart. Nature may be a mother, but cross her and you'll fall like leaves in winter...

Figures: Strongroot Groveguard, Oldgrowth Bough-Breaker
Bonus Figures: Glade-Nymph


Battle Pack releases include at minimum 7 figures. I often add as many bonus figures as time permits! All sets include a large selection of modular options, such as weapons, heads, and armor options, as well as a set of themed custom-sculpted bases!

The poll will run for the next few days. Drop by the Battle Yak Discord to talk about the results with the community. Happy Voting!


Joey D

Defo need me some more trees! Especially an Entwife, bring on the lady trees! :D

Mini Manatee

Amazing that its a tie XD - Go trees!! But we'll get them both eventually anyway - so I'm happy :D