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The second wave release of the Drakkisan Wyrmspawn is hatched and ready to raid! Enjoy this preview of the next upcoming Battle Pack, available early this July!

Drakkisan Drachons wield a variety of dragon-forged weaponry, blessed by the flesh and flame of the Great Old Wyrm! They also come with a selection of customization options, including modular heads, armored pauldrons, and wings!

The hideous Wyrmwrack Atrocities are the miscreations of the Great Old Wyrm, unstable in form but with terrible power. Atrocities come with a variety of sculpts and mutant variants, as well as a selection of modular heads.

Watching over the gestating spawn of the Great Old Wyrm are the Wyrmcult Egg-Tenders. The egg-tenders meticulous care and attention ensure that the wyrmspawn grow strong and hatch ready to serve the will of the Wyrm!

Finally, this release come with a set of themed sculpted bases, the Dragonstone Lair Base Set. These bases depict the hidden lair of the Great Old Wyrm, infested with the vile clutches of the wyrmspawn.

The Drakkisan Wyrmspawn II: Hoard of Horrors release will be vailable early this July!


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Mini Manatee

Just awesome :O I love this set