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The Runehorn Stampede release is ready to trample the inharmonious! Enjoy this preview of the upcoming Battle Pack, available early this March!

Runehorn Stonebreakers are mighty tauroch warriors branded with runes of power! They wield blunt smashing weapons, and can even fight bare-handed with devastating martial arts!

Stonebreakers come with a selection of customization options, including modular heads and weapons, as well as multiple hand options that depict a variety of combat signs and palmstrikes, with odic-energy wreathed variants.

This release includes a Totem-Bearer, with a selection of totems depicting guardian spirits honored by the Runehorn tauroch. Includes a small stand for displaying totems independently of a bearer.

The Enlightened are tauroch who have achieved such a mastery of natural forces that they become one with the very world around them. They hear the voice of mountain, river, and sky, and the secrets of all things are open to them.

And finally, this release comes with a set of themed sculpted bases, the Runehorn Monastery base set. Like the bodies of the tauroch themselves, their monasteries are branded with runes of power that channel the natural energies of the living world, causing them to be wreathed in visible power.

The Runehorn Stampede release will be available early March!


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I agree with Robbie. It's nice and all but the totem did it for me.


All of these female minotaur sculpts are amazing, and the enlightened is just sublime