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Hey everybody! The release for this January, the Ironskarn Warforged, is available to all patrons, the Battle Yak Miniatures Winter Sale is in its final days, and work has begun on the next Battle Pack release - the second wave of figures for the Primal Heart Eldarch!

The Primal Heart are elven beings who have embraced the power of nature in its most cruel and ruthless aspects, turning themselves into living weapons. They shun industry and instead use magic to sculpt living flesh, bonding with symbiotic armor and weapons to augment their natural abilities.

Among the deadly forms they take for war are the Phyllarc Hornets, whose organic symbiont armor not only enhances their lethal speed and agility, but grants them functional wings enabling them to fly through the air like insects.

Like many Battle Yak Miniatures figures, Hornets will come with a host of customization options, including modular heads and weapons, as well as a variety of poses portraying them swooping and buzzing above the battlefield.

Keep watching for future previews of future Primal Heart units!


Drop by the Official Battle Yak Discord to see the latest news and sales and chat with the community about what  kinds of projects you'd like to see next! You can also follow Battle  Yak Miniatures on twitter, facebook, and instagram.

And check out the Battle Yak Miniatures online store for the latest sale! The Battle Yak Miniatures Winter Sale is going on now and there are only a few days left! Get a discount on all Battle Yak Miniatures while the sale lasts!




I guess they will be sticking to their base from somewhere else than just their feet. It needs to be sturdy with their size so that the joint doesn't break.