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The Ironskarn Warhorde is on the march! Enjoy this preview of the upcoming January Battle Pack, available early January 2022!

The Gor'kron Warforged are the elite of the Ironskarn, armed with brutal weapons and clad in thick plate.

The Warforged come with an arsenal of customization options, including modular weapons, heads, pauldrons, and standalone shields.

The Ironskarn Warhorde has welded the art of warcraft with the mystical power of living elemental flame. Forge'gar Furnace-Stokers are able to wield this flame in the form of powerful magicks, which they use to ignite furious rages and passions in their comrades.

Finally, this release comes with a set of themed sculpted bases, the Iron Foundry. These bases depict the great iron-floored foundries when the Ironskarn forge their brutal weapons. Elemental flames lick up from the furnace grating underfoot, heating metal to red hot and searing flesh. Other, weaker races could not endure such an environment, but to the Ironskarn it represents the promise of conquest and glory.

The Ironskarn Warhorde will be available early January 2022, the first Battle Yak release for the new year!


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very nice! Happy New Year from Manila!


Really wish these guys came with some black powder dakka. They're kinda perfect for gunpowder era orks