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Every month Battle Yak Miniatures will release a new Battle Pack, featuring 3D printable miniature files! The August Battle Pack is Blightergast Reanimators II: Night of the Reanimated, the hideous reanimated creations of a league of mad geniuses obsessed with bringing the dead back to life with technology! This pack adds a ton of new miniatures to the Blightergast Reanimators link!

Become a Patron now and gain access to the Blightergast Reanimators II release!

Enjoy this gallery of the Blightergast Reanimators and a glimpse into the lore of the faction!


"No! What are you doing?! You can't harm me! I'm your creator! I made you! Nooo-AAAIGGH!!"

-Final Words of Dr. Torbinvuld Vestungnhagen, Minor-Reanimator of the Unterbeorgn Echelon

The Blightergast Reanimators are a cabal of mad geniuses obsessed with the practice of the darkest science: Necrotechnology, the art of bringing the dead back to life. The ultimate goal of this black pursuit is immortality, and so they study life, the flesh and blood and organs of living beings, to better understand how they might make them, and thus themselves, last eternally. Through their dark art, they are able to create legions of unliving abominations, the bodies of the dead sutured and grafted together with technology and pumped full with arcane chemical concoctions that allow them to move, fight, and kill at the behest of their creators. 

The more powerful and stable creations of the Reanimators are the Wargast series, a formidable fighting force of augmented and reanimated corpse-constructs. But the Reanimators are forever experimenting and seeking to refine their art upon less impressive specimens, and these efforts often yield legions of shambling, wretched barely functional creatures known as the Dregborn.

Thrall-constructs of this series are typically used as assistants and labor by the Reanimators, given simple commands like 'carry this tank of embalming fluid' and 'fetch me that severed leg.' Should the Reanimators find themselves with a surplus of such refuse, they may be sent haphazardly into battle to swamp the enemy in great groaning hordes, the stupid creatures dragging down and ripping apart the foe with sheer weight of numbers. 

Representing a triumph in Wargast creation, the Gallowglass is everything the Reanimators dream of in their living weapons - ruthless, efficient, nigh-invulnerable, and hideously destructive. The finest reanimated flesh has been augmented and grafted to advanced technology, durable armored plating, and deadly powered weaponry. 

Gallowglass are assembled using only the most monstrous specimens that the Reanimators are able to get their hands on, often captured criminals locked away for the most unspeakable and violent of crimes. Gallowglass are left with a few stunted fragments of their former maladjusted personalities to give them an extra brutal edge in combat, and they retain the capacity to experience a dark and twisted delight in the violence and death they unleash.

Reanimators of the Blightersturn school represent newer practitioners of the forbidden science of Reanimation, whose skills have yet to reach the heights of older, more experienced Reanimators. Nevertheless, these deranged souls have embraced their dark art utterly, even experimenting upon their own forms to increase their physical longevity and durability. The reanimation panoply grafted to their spinal column is festooned with all manner of mechanical implements, for both combat and field experimentation.

The Reanimators operate almost exclusive in, or rather beneath, the city-state of Guildenstern, the largest city in the known world. Following the end of a prolonged period of conflict with the war-hordes of the krog, several progressive magnai clans separated themselves from the ruling authority of magnai society and allied with a number of beleaguered hynd populations that had also suffered from the reaving of the krog, leaving them little more than great tribes of refugees. Coming together in the spirit of cooperation for their mutual survival, the hynd and magnai alliance saw the rise of the great sprawling city of Guildenstern, beginning as a hub for trade and reconstruction efforts of surrounding nations. Over the centuries, it has grown and prospered, swelling and spilling across the land like a forest of stone and iron.

Unfettered by the bonds of hidebound traditions and conservatism that stifle progress in other nations, Guildenstern has become the economic and technological heart of the continent, an artificial axis upon which much of the world turns. The leaders of the city will tolerate virtually any vice and practice provided that it enriches the city, making it one of the most cosmopolitan settlements in the world. While the population is majority hynd and nearly 1/4 magnai, untold numbers of other races dwell there as well, including eldarch, ogur, halvin, breeds of beastkin and even some from the volatile krog and grotkin races. All of these disparate peoples live together, if not in actual harmony, then at least in a state of tolerable dislike that is the hallmark of all multicultural civilization.

The city of Guildestern not only sprawls outwards in countless districts and reaches into the air with towering habitation spires, but stretches deep below the surface as well. Originally a series of natural ocean-formed caves, the ancient magnai architects who masterminded the city's construction pumped the caves dry and sealed them off from flooding, yielding a sprawling network of subterranean caverns and tunnels. While inhabited by considerable numbers of magnai and other underground dwelling races, there are many other regions that are used as storage warehouses, prisons, sewer systems for processing the monumental waste of the city above, and undercity sprawls for the dross and dregs of civilization that shun the scrutiny of law and the shackles of morality. In the deepest depths are slums, dumping grounds, black markets, illegal laboratories, sacellums for twisted pursuits and mad religions, and anything and everything that make tarnish the vaunted image of the Golden City above. This is the Underblight, a city unto itself hidden in the dark below.

Underblight is where the Blightergast Reanimators have forged their dark society of mad science. Ruled over by the Tribunal, the Reanimators form a cabal with an elaborate hierarchy denoting the capabilities of those men and women who have been selected to join their ranks. The precise origins of this secret society are not fully known, but seated upon the Tribunal is the namesake and co-founder of their order, Hieronymus Ignatius Von Blightergast, once one of the most renowned and respected minds of the city above. Ever at his side is an enigmatic female companion, skeletally thin and garbed in robes, concealing her face beneath a silver skull mask. Rumored to hail from lands to the north that she fled in exile, this woman is said to have been the inspiration for Von Blightergast's pursuit of immorality through necrotechnology, his chief advisor and dark muse.

Those who dwell in the Underblight know well to fear the Reanimators and their creations. While they sometimes offer their services to mercenary enterprises, the ranks of the Blightergast have swollen with new generations of brilliant minds devoted to necrotechnology, and their Wargast creations number beyond counting, and the time is soon approaching when they will no longer need to keep their actions secret.

The Tribunal is looking with interest out into the world at the appearance of new powers, upon the Dynasty of Nul marching from the north as fellow practitioners of necrotechnology, the skitterkin of Clan Wyzerd and their advanced if bizarre arcano-tech, and most especially the eldarch of the Primal Heart and their enigmatic power over the essence of life and flesh. Each of these factions are being seized up as potential rivals, as valuable resources to be exploited, and possibly even as allies to utilize for their greater goals.

A hideous scheme is coming together, one which will see the Tribunal realize their darkest designs, and seal the ascension of the Blightergast Reanimators as masters over life and death.


Enjoy the latest release from Battle Yak Miniatures! Check out the Battle Yak Miniatures online store for all previous Battle Pack releases, and become a Patron for new miniature releases every month!

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