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2020 has been a rough year in many ways - I know there's plenty I would like to forget.

But since launching Battle Yak Miniatures, I've been doing some of the most enjoyable, satisfying, and quality work of my career as an artist! And man there's been a lot of it.

Here's what I've created through Battle Yak Miniatures this year:

Spooky ghosts!

Fantasy character grab-bag! 



Bug elves! 

Space marines! (But not those space marines!) 



Robot skeletons! 

Mutant elves! 

Festive terror!


It's pretty wild when you lay it all out like that. Remember when I only did like 4 guys in a set? Ha haaah...!

Production will be wrapping up next week on the first set of 2021, the Clan Wyzerd Skitterkin, sneak previews of which are here and here, and I think it's going to be the best release yet.

Here's to 2021 having even more great content from Battle Yak Miniatures for everyone to enjoy. I'm only getting started~!


Reminder: As I mentioned in this post, I will be removing the $1 and $5 pledge tiers come Jan 1st as part of ongoing efforts to improve Battle Yak Miniatures and offer a better experience to patrons.




I've everything so far. I'm useing the Drakkisianspawn as a faction for Genesys Project wargame. And looking forward to more models to expand on it, maybe some scifi variations.

Brandon Blewett

Keep up the great work! Can’t wait to see what you do in 2021. I would love to see another Darkest Dungeon-inspired set sometime. Your take on original characters in that universe, nothing copyright-infringing :)