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The necrogen reactors are charged and installed! The elite warriors of the Dynasty stir to life and prepare for battle! Behold, the Thanacron Immortals!

Towering above the lesser Risen Legionnaires, the Thanacron Immortals are brutal shock troopers, shattering the enemy ranks with their massive two-handed necrotempered weapons. Their advanced necroframes are capable of enduring virtually any attack, enabling them to wade through ranks of the foe without damage.

Thanacron Immortals have their own set of modular weapons and armor, while using the same modular heads as the other Dynasty units. They can be given upgraded elite equipment to represent the most distinguished of immortals, the Thanacron Eternity Warden!

The Dynasty of Nul is coming this October! Keep watching for more sculpting previews!

Also, Battle Yak Miniatures is approaching the 75 Patron Milestone! Woo! Check out this post for a description of all the rewards when that goal is unlocked! It includes discounts for all patrons, a new mini add to the Beyond Mortality collection, and a bunch more Bloodthirsty Battle Yak Warrior $8 tiers made available! Tell your friends!



Cody Thompson

Will the pieces be separated? I'm hoping to customize mine a little after I print them.


will they have some kind of magic glowy cannons?


All the characters will have modular options so you can mix and match things like heads, pauldrons, and choice of weapons.


No plans for ranged weapons at this time, it's a more close-combat oriented release. But a future revisiting of this theme could definitely see some ranged options!