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 The last bits of the September Battle Pack are being prepped for release. Enjoy this preview of the Drakkisan Wyrmspawn!

Wyrmcult Supplicants are a lesser form of wyrmspawn, created from mortals who were granted the merest fraction of the essence of Drakkisan, the Great Old Wyrm. They hurl themselves into combat against any who would threaten their master's precious treasure hoard.

The swarms of lesser wyrmspawn are led into battle by the mighty Drakkisan Wyrmidons, chosen champions of the Wyrmcult who drank the blood of Drakkisan himself and survived, evolving into larger and more powerful forms. These elite monsters wield ornate and devastating two-handed weapons in combat.

As with past Battle Yak Miniatures releases, the Wyrmspawn have loads of customization options, with tons of modular heads, gear, and armor for Supplicants and Wyrmidons.

The great treasure hoard of Drakkisan is guarded foremost by the mighty Hoard-Lords, incarnations of the Great Old Wyrm himself (see the main image!) Anything that dares to violate the lair of Drakkisan will be swiftly annihilated by these giant warriors.

 The September Battle Pack will include a selection of printable props that can be used to represent just a small portion of Drakkisan's great treasure hoard, as well as the draconic egg-growths that contain Drakkisan's essence. There are also sculpted themed bases depicting Drakkisan's lair, and some extra bases that represent the great hoard itself! If you ever wanted to depict your minis trudging around on heaps of gold and jewels, you'll want to grab these!

 And finally, a bonus figure - the Drakkisan Brood-Watcher! Overseers of the Wyrmcult, they portion out the essence of Drakkisan to the faithful, determining who shall drink the master's blood and ascend to greater levels of power.

The Drakkisan Wyrmspawn become available early next week! Until then, don't forget to grab the August Battle Pack, the Skumgrot Skyraiders! They'll be moving to the Battle Yak Miniatures online store soon! Reminder: along with the next Battle Pack and access to the Battle Box, Patrons will get store discounts at the beginning of the month! 




These are fantastic! Love dragons and lizardmen so much! Plus if this and the skumgrots are an indication that more 'pin up' figures are in our future with your style I am absolutely jubilant at the idea! ^_^

Mini Manatee

Just joined ~ These dragons look amazing, and I love the modularity!