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Obscurities in Miniature posted another great vid on his YouTube channel showing off the prints he made of the Skumgrot Skyraiders miniatures! I think they look great - I love the kommandah with two bombs! If you wanted a look at what the August Battle Pack has to offer, be sure it check it out! And also check out his other videos for more great miniature reviews and painting showcases (and a few other Battle Yak related vids too!)

The Skumgrot Skyraiders are available to subscribers until the end of August!


Battle Yak Miniatures: Skum Grot Sky Raiders! Steampunk Jet pack goblins!

Battle Yak Miniatures continues to delve into the madness that is modular miniature models, and I'm more than happy to tag along for that descent into madness! I've shot a few videos of their other offerings so far, and each one continues to build upon the versatility of the previous. It blows my mind that this Patreon hasn't blown up yet in popularity! There's a selection of basic grunt bodies, a larger boss model (both on foot and with rocket pack), a goblin pinup (in all sorts of states of undress if you have a desire for smexy goblins), and a selection of airborne sky raiding jet pack goblins as well. A good variety of heads and hands are included, and there are a few options on the rocket packs available as well. There's a few heads that also have further variations as to whether they've got longer snooted nose if you prefer that style. For those of you who don't modularity and want to keep things simple, those options are there too. Flight stand variety? Sure, why not. Sky ship deck bases- those are there too. Now be warned- as they are, they're pretty close in size to humans. You'd certainly want to shrink them down if you want them mingling with your existing goblin collection. If you're like me and shrug your shoulders at such ridiculous thoughts as "scale cohesion" I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm going to fiddle around with mixing the skumgrot parts with the sentinels of primus' hi tech weaponry. You'd have a pretty good selection of Starfinder style goblins at that point. Those rocket packs would also make for some good Stormboyz parts if you don't want to kitbash them together yourself. Only thing I feel this set is lacking is perhaps a few more weapon options tossed in- maybe a spear/ staff style weapon or a crossbow to better blend them with fantasy models. Also hats. One of these guys needs a top hat. Probably due to the steampunk influence. Heck, maybe there is one and I totally missed it! https://www.patreon.com/BattleYakMiniatures/posts


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