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The Skumgrot Skyraiders are menacing the airways, so now I want to share the preview of the next upcoming Battle Pack for September - the Drakkisan Wyrmspawn!

Mortals devoted to the worship of ancient beasts of supernatural power and terrible majesty, the Wyrmspawn have used forbidden ritual and dark magic to transform themselves in the very image of their hidden masters. Changed physically and mentally, they now work to carry out the unfathomable will of the beings who have transformed them.

It's dragon people! The Drakkisan Wyrmspawn will feature a number of characters with various draconic and reptilian attributes, wielding ornate and highly decorative armaments themed around dragons and flame. This figures will be ideal for representing fantasy races such as the reptilian kobolds and mighty dragonborn, or any kind of lizard-y monsters or mutants you might want.

The hulking Drakkisan Wyrmidons represent mighty exemplars of draconic might, large and powerful and wielding huge ornate weaponry. Born of dark alchemy and blood-sorcery, they are fanatically devoted to the will of their dragon masters, guarding their great treasure hoards and ruthlessly exterminating trespassers and infidels.

Lesser devotees receive a smaller measure of their masters' blessing, twisting them into the minor dragonspawn known as Wyrmblood Supplicants. Wiry and cunning, they act as servants for the higher ranking members of the Drakkisan cult, maintaining the ancient lairs and watching over the holy hoard of the hidden masters. Should their lair be violated by blasphemous treasure-hunters, the supplicants will arm themselves and swarm in great masses to repel the intruders.

Forged in dragonfire and tempered with sacred blood, the armaments of the Wyrmspawn are both ornate and deadly. Wrought in gold with intricate carvings in homage of their dragon masters, the weapons also emanate the unnatural magical fire of dragons, searing and burning as much as they slash and cut and bludgeon.

Experiments have been conducted with the sacred blood of the masters in efforts to create even more powerful and deadly expressions of draconic might. Some truly monstrous aberrations have been born in the glittering treasure-strewn darkness...

The Drakkisan Wyrmspawn Battle Pack will feature both numerous Wyrmblood Supplicants, as well as mighty Drakkisan Wyrmidons, and both figures will have numerous options for customization, such as weapons, different heads, and even some draconic mutations! Plus a set of sculpted bases depicting the treasure-stuffed lair of one the cult's dragon masters, and any other bonuses I manage to cram in! Keep watching for sculpting previews coming soon!

If dragon-people aren't your thing, Battle Yak Miniatures can still offer you plenty more! In addition to the Skumgrot Skyraiders available to patrons this August, the online store at MyMiniFactory has all of Battle Yak's previous releases! You can get the Sentinels of Primus miniature line at a discount this week by using the discount code RIP&TEAR  until August 9th! Patreon subscribers get discount codes every month granting even more off on all store items!

Also, Battle Yak Miniatures is nearing is the 50 Patron Goal: Battlecry! This will allow subscribers to vote on the theme of all future Battle Packs once unlocked! Whether you want fantasy, scifi, horror, or the return of past themes with brand new miniatures, you can steer the direction Battle Yak Miniatures will take each month to your liking! Tell your friends! If they don't care, get better friends!

You can also follow Battle Yak on twitter and instagram for more updates and previews!



Obscurities in Miniature

Well this will jump to the top of my list of things to print come September! I love me some dragon people!


I'd just been thinking "Huh, I hope Battleyak tackles lizardmen or something sometime." Now here we are. I . . . honestly don't think I could be happier. You have consistently provided miniatures with themes I love using your aesthetic that appeals to me on basically every level, and I've always intensely loved lizardmen, dragonborn, and kobolds. Plus knowing your penchant for great modular designs I have a feeling I'll be able to combine this with some of your prior work to possibly even make some good sci-fi lizards. I'm genuinely excited for this, not to mention how close we are to being able to vote on future themes. Thank you for doing awesome work!