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Just about done with the sculpting for the upcoming August Battle Pack!

 I've been testing out some techniques for streamlining my process and speeding things up, and its gone pretty well this month. The August Battle Pack will have a horde of Skumgrot Lootahs, several jetpack equipped Skumgrot Rokkit-Gitz, a Skumgrot Nasty-Sky Kommandah with both on-foot and with jetpack sculpts, and a set of sculpted bases representing the scrap-metal deck of a Skumgrot Skyship! There will also be a bonus figure, the Skumgrot Greaser!

The full preview will come next week! Now, to get going on those long-nosed head variants...



Joey D

Love everything here! I would still love to see long-pointy nosed versions of the heads too though :P

Joey D

<[insert happy dance meme here]> Yusss! Big thanks!! <3

Joey D

Derp... looking at the entire thread again, I now see the "Now, to get going on those long-nosed head variants..." at the end... I admit I was too busy looking at the super shiney pics (especially that end one :P ) to notice there was text here >.<


can I expect that one day we will get preliminary support?


Pre-supported files are something I definitely want to provide for releases, though they will not be available for this august.