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Every month BattleYak Miniatures will release a new Battle Pack, featuring 3D printable miniature files! The Battle Pack for July is the Sentinels of Primus, superhuman warriors wielding advanced weaponry in the name of their honored God-King! July's pack also includes modular weapons, variant sculpts, and tons of customization options including heads, armor, and more.  It also includes a set of themed sculpted bases!

Become a Patron now and get access to the July Battle Pack here!

Now please enjoy this gallery of the Sentinels of Primus miniatures and a glimpse into the lore behind the faction!


"You would speak of my debt to the God-King? He has already taken all I am, and gifted me damnation in return. It is a gift I am only too happy to share. I will fight and kill all the hordes of hell, for this is what I am. And if the God-King has not abdicated His throne, if He should still watch in judgment, let Him decide if, in his war against the monsters, He has not made greater monsters still..."

Slayer-Praetor Fal'Ynn Taggar, Order of the Dreadwolf

They are an army like no other. Forged from mortal flesh and divine power, they are the elite warriors of the living myth, the God-King Primus, defender of humanity and bringer of doom to its enemies. From outside the dimensions of ordinary time and space, terrible forces hunger for the destruction of mankind, and the God-King has raised his legions in man's defense. They are the righteous watchmen of order. The guardians against doom. They are the Sentinels of Primus.

Each of the sentinels was once an ordinary mortal, albeit one who had distinguished themselves in the eyes of the God-King, showing a devotion to the greater good of their people, a purity of spirit, and an unconquerable will. Drawn from the many cities and tribes of humanity, these mortals are trained in combat, tactics, science, and sorcery, as well as how to combat all of the monstrous enemies that threaten humanity. Finally, through the use of arcane machinery and ritual invocations, they are infused with the cosmic energy of the God-King Himself, transforming them from mere mortals into superhuman warriors. Thus they begin a new existence as a Sentinel of Primus.

The Sentinels were forged by the God-King for one purpose - to defend humanity from foes that no mortal could hope to defeat. Of these many enemies, it is by far the denizens of the Doom Dimensions that are the most terrible. Lying outside the orderly dimensions where man was not meant to tread, the Doom Dimensions are an entire universe of nightmarish horror inhabited by demons, beasts, and monsters. It is the prison-house of the cosmos, where horrific creatures of infinite variety gaze out at other worlds and realms with hungry eyes, eager to devour the life force of mortals to sate their endless infernal appetites. Time and again, the diabolic powers of the Doom Dimensions crack the door of their prison, and tides of demons and fiends spill out into the mortal world to bring ruin to all they find. Who can say how many dead worlds litter the cosmos, burnt to lifeless cinders in the wake of some hellish crusade.

It is these demonic foes that the Sentinels of Primus most commonly find themselves arrayed against. From remote incursions in outlying regions of untamed wilderness, to full-blown invasions that threaten to sweep all the cities of humanity clean of life, the Sentinels of Primus have faced the hordes of the Doom Dimensions on a thousand battlefields.

Once newly ascended sentinel aspirants have proven the efficacy of their transformed states upon the field of battle, they are granted heavy armor and advanced techno-arcanic weaponry, marking them as full Knight-Sentinels, the rank and file of the God-King's legions. The forge-sages of the Sentinels infuse their armaments with Arc plasma, a power derived from the photonic energy of all light in the cosmos. This blend of science and sorcery has yielded such instruments of war as the Crucio Arcblades, swords and axes made of solid burning light, as well as Arcbolt ranged weapons that fire concentrated bolts of explosive Arclight into the enemy, blasting them apart from within as the bolts detonate.

While the Knight-Sentinels are trained to fight as a unit, each individual supporting their comrades as cohesive whole, some of the God-King's mightiest servants are singular warriors that fight alone against the greatest and most terrible enemies. Such individuals are known as Slayer-Praetors, warriors who have been gifted an additional fragment of the God-King's righteous rage and divine power, elevating them above their brethren. The slayers are a match for the most terrible manifestations of the Doom Dimensions, able to slay endless hordes of lesser demons and bring down the mightiest devil-titans.

While such warriors are honored by the other sentinels, few truly envy them, for their elevation has also seemingly cursed them with an all-consuming rage that smoulders constantly within their soul, burning away any sense of joy or satisfaction or peace. In the end, they are incapable of any feeling but hatred and rage for the enemies of man. Even their reverence for the God-King Himself withers in the heat of their rancor. They live to bring doom, and doom alone.

Humanity has flocked to the beacon of the God-King's protective rule for countless generations, yet in the Book of Primus it is written that the God-King was once a mortal man. In ages past, he led his people to war against the hordes of hell with steel and primitive magic, time and again sparing mankind from total annihilation. But the fiends of the Doom Dimensions were without limit, their hunger insatiable, their numbers inexhaustible. To spare his people from inevitable destruction, Primus went alone into the forbidden mountains of the east, the land where his people's myths said giants who knew all the secrets of the world lived, seeking some answer that would save humanity.

In the forbidden mountains, Primus found the these fabled giants, the Nerazhim, the Great Old Ones. Towering high above the tallest man, the Nerazhim were monstrous to the eyes of Primus, as inhuman as any beast of the Doom Dimensions. However, when Primus saw that these beings had also suffered greatly at the hands of the demons a revelation came to him, and he understood that for all their differences, the Nerazhim and humanity were alike enough that they need not be enemies, and indeed could be one-another's key to survival.

After proving himself to the giants in feats of strength, courage, and wisdom, Primus came to live amongst the Nerazhim for many months, and their elders taught him the secrets of stars and of the hidden fire that might make a man something more than mortal. When Primus returned to his people, it was with a crown of white flame around his head, a sword of lightning in his hand, and an army of giants at his side. The Nerazhim came amongst humanity and taught them science and sorcery, how to harness the power of Arc plasma and forge mighty implements of battle. With these new allies and weapons, humanity slowly began to turn the tide against the Doom Dimensions, growing stronger with every battle.

In time, the God-King raised up his chosen champions as superhuman warriors, the first of his Sentinels. This alliance of man and giant, defended by supermen, has remained strong under the God-King's reign for centuries. Their war against doom will continue for centuries more.

Until it is done.




This is amazing and perfect for my current project! Thank you so much!


I know that the moment has sorta passed for this, but I'd like to bookmark the thought that I'd murder for some DOOM style weapon options. Rocket launcher, Balista, even BFG. These don't really have analogs in the kit or in other game lines. It would be a unique option. I can call a bolter a heavy cannon or a use a plasma rifle from another line. I really appreciated the super shotgun! If you're looking for suggestions, id love a second round of DOOM inspired stuff. A set of these in the equivalent to heritec forces. The Marauder and the DOOM 2016 multiplayer models would be a great source of inspiration. Examples: https://images.app.goo.gl/Uy1FCLMAgJnPFVJM6 https://images.app.goo.gl/Wagrxxo4JMyXa3uj6 https://images.app.goo.gl/U17qMZX91bDT1J2E9


I am definitely open to revisiting past themes and adding new miniatures. I designed a couple of other figures for the Sentinels of Primus line already that I want to sculpt at some point. Adding additional weapons, and some kind of heavy weapons team with the big guns, would be fun also.