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Every month BattleYak Miniatures will release a new Battle Pack, featuring 3D printable miniature files! The Battle Pack for May is Blightergast Reanimators, featuring the hideous Wargast, the monstrous stitched-together soldiers of the mysterious Reanimators! May's pack includes modular weapons, modular head options, and a set of themed sculpted bases, allowing for a huge variety of customization.

Become a Patron now and get access to the May Battle Pack here!

Now please enjoy this gallery of the Blightergast Reanimators miniatures and a glimpse into the lore behind the faction!


"Look there! A twitch! It's moving! It's alive! Aliiiive! Oh, those fools at the academy said I was mad! But who's mad now?! Ahahahahaaa!!"

-Baron Hieronymus Ignatius Von Blightergast, Former Tenured Professor of the Rosencrantz Academy for Human Advancement

The greatest city in the world is wondrous Guildenstern, known far and wide as the Golden City. It is a place unlike any other - towering structures of glass and iron stretch impossibly high above a network of arterial roads and alleyways, its thoroughfares thronging with people and transport vehicles. Automated cable-gondaloas and zeppelins thread between the soaring spires and buildings. Plumes of smoke billow from a thousand industrial manufactory, and the smoggy nights are lit by a the piercing blue of glo-lamps, ensuring the city never truly sleeps.

A sprawling metropolitan city-state, the Golden City's growth is fueled by the scientific advances that have been made through the harnessing of Vril energy. Vril provides an inexhaustible source of energy and allows for the function of innumerable arcane and esoteric technologies, without which Guildenstern could not exist. Great engines across the city churn with fettered Vril, powering glo-lamps and furnaces, engine-vehicles and manufactory complexes. These and other marvels have made Guildenstern into the economic and technological capital of the world, an artificial axis for it to turn upon.

But all that glitters is not gold, and the Golden City holds more than its far share of dangers and horrors.

For there is much more to Guildenstern than what lies upon the surface. Just as its towering structures pierce high into the sky, so too does the Golden City reach deep below the surface, through countless layers of sub-construction, sewer complexes, and undercity sprawls. Here, the dregs and dross, the criminal elements, the exiled and ousted, all those who shun the scrutiny of law and the shackles of reason make their home. Slums, dumping grounds, the black and red markets, illegal laboratories and manufactories, secret prisons and asylums, anything that might tarnish the image of the Golden City can be found in the depths.

The very nadir of this industrial underworld is a city unto itself, made up of the lowest of the low, the worst of the worst, and the maddest of the mad - the surface dwellers deny its very existence, but its inhabitants call it Underblight.

In Underblight, anything can happen. Which is to say, anything can happen to you. And frequently, it does. And once it has happened, what's left of you will not go to waste. For Underblight is home to an order of mad geniuses who, in their madness, have a use for everyone.

They are known as the Blightergast Reanimators, a cabal of men and women who have cast aside morality and reason as unnecessary fetters holding back scientific advancement. Following in the footsteps of their namesake and inspiration, the Reanimators employ their warped brilliance in mastering life and death, their collective goal the attainment of immortality. To this end they study life, the flesh and blood and organs of mortals, to better understand how they might make it, and thus themselves, last eternally.

Decades of experimentation in the depths of Underblight have birthed a legion of their horrific creations - the Wargast, hulking brutes of stitched together limbs and grafted necrotech augmentations. These are the soldiers and enforcers of the Blightergast Reanimators, their protectors and muscle, ensuring that they are left undisturbed in the pursuit of their endeavors. The Wargast are tireless and effective warriors, lurching and shambling inexorably towards their targets, immune to pain and discomfort, capable absorbing wounds that would kill ordinary living beings many times over.

The effectiveness of such morbid warriors has not escaped the notice of the other inhabitants of Underblight, and beyond. Criminal kingpins, lawless barons of the underworld, and even unscrupulous titans of industry from Guildenstern above can, with great care, solicit the use of Wargast forces from the Blightergast Reanimators, often in exchange for specialized equipment, illicit goods, or more 'test subjects'.

Dark deals have been struck in the depths, and the demand for the art of the Blightergast Reanimators is rising, like a monster from the slab.



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