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Hey everyone. It's been a few days since Battle Yak Miniatures launched, and I'm pretty happy with how things have gone - no major crap-ups. Now that I have a better handle on this Patreon thing, I've decided to roll out some improvements.

Firstly, there are now Two New Battle Yak Miniatures Supporter Tiers available at the $1 and $5 level, for folks who want to work up to being a full-fledged Battle Yak Warrior.

The $1 Battle Yak Supporter tier will grant patrons access to the majority of posts on the Battle Yak Community, including concept art, previews of upcoming releases, and other patron-only community posts.

The $5 Battle Yak Aspirant tier will grant patrons access to the Freebie Files, a folder full of 3D printable bits and pieces perfect for all manner of miniature customization and terrain creation. Patrons will also have Battle Yak Community access.

Secondly, these additions have resulted in a small change in my plan for how the Freebie Files will be expanded in future, which I will detail in a more comprehensive post dedicated to said change.

That's all for now. Keep an eye on this page for upcoming news about more from Battle Yak Miniatures.



Have you thought about a system where the type of files people want they get?


You mean offering file formats besides .STL? If there's a huge demand for it then maybe, right now keeping it to one format is best. I have to consider time, testing, and file space.


No I mean one set for people who want 40k compatable, and another set for people who want fantasy based.


Ah, well ideally everyone from both camps will want the sets - I'll be shooting for themes and styles that will appeal to everybody. And when there's a few more subscribers on board I'll open voting polls so people will be able to swing production more towards stuff they like. In any case, I'll be posting previews of every monthly set leading up to release so people can judge in advance.