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A silly doodle from a while ago  with while playing golden for the first time lol. I only played the OG ps2 Persona 4 for a while before I got a chance to play golden, and Chie's new voice was very jarring lol.

Marie is cute and fun tho




I couldn't get along with the new voice acting in Golden either. Playing P4 as a teenager on PS2 has made me love the original voices, that has also made me like any P4 related art, so needless to say I love this one! 😍


I don't think Chie's new voice ever grew into her role as Chie. Her delivery's always way too excited, which goes against that small town nervousness she had in the original. Doesn't help that P4 scripts only wrote Chie worse. Anyhow, Marie's great and I hope to see more of her. Maybe with a bonnet instead of that hat.

Stan Verox

I get how people were surprised or a bit opposed to Erin Fitsgerald’s take on Chie in Golden and her onward, but it does tend to fit with Chie’s forward and tomboyish personality, like she was said to be, also her acting in the anime was goated. Fun fact, the OG voice for Chie, Tracey Rooney, only voiced Chie for the original P4, and nothing else.