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Hey all,

Hope everyone's good.

First,  here's the link to my entry for this week's writing prompt.

Bit of a standalone story this week. However, many of my entries will be snippets/teasers from fuller stories that will eventually be available on Patreon, so please let me know if there are any you particularly like and would like me to focus on writing and/or do illustrations for.

Still working on my entry for week 2, which might become a Patreon exclusive. It's an in media res scene from a larger story starring Angelica, which I've had in my head for ages, but never got around to writing.

In other news, I'm also going to extend this weekly weigh-in concept into a weekly update for patrons. So with that in mind, here's what I've been working on:

  • A teaser image for the Amelia "origin" story I'm working on, about her time at university. I should have it done and posted this week. 🍰
  • Rough drafts and descriptions for the illustrations I'm commissioning from Pinupmeister for the above story. The first one is in the works and should be done very soon. 🎓These commissions are only made possible by your support here, so thank you so much!
  • The above-mentioned week 2 prompt entry. Got a pic idea in mind for it too. 🚴🏻‍♀️
  • The next part of TLWL. Still grappling with this, but it's not far off. 🧁


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